Yep, the World Tree in Norse Mythology, and to go with that, my wifi network's name is Asgard. I really, really like the names and myths of the Norse, so cool...and weird actually, the things that they got up were also fucking weird.
Yep, the World Tree in Norse Mythology, and to go with that, my wifi network's name is Asgard. I really, really like the names and myths of the Norse, so cool...and weird actually, the things that they got up were also fucking weird.
I will also take Guillermo del Toro in a Totoro Mask
Dammit Patricia, do not give them ideas! I'm broke enough as it is! But I will pay whatever I have to, to dress up my Charmander and my Charizard! Or my Torchic! or My Heracross!.......Now, I want to dress them up andif I can't I will be sad...I am blaming you Patricia for this!
PC Name: Yggdrassill
Brian, I hate you and I love you.
Damnit! Hearthstone has this awesome references?! Why has no one ever told me?
Oh, this is perfect man, perfect.
Well, the dude is not from the US so it might not be a typo.
Nope, this is the only true song that must go with all jet plane videos:
Dammit man, Falcon 4.0? That shit is impressive! My god, doing all those stunts in a hardcore sim like Falcon 4.0, that is one hell of an accomplishment.
I'm mildly disappointed that they didn't use Danger Zone by Kenny Loggins as the soundtrack for this.
There are a myriad factors that go into play as to why games die, being good or not is just one, and I would argue it's one of the least relevant ones in this industry. After all, games(or at least franchises) "dying" because they are bad, it's not exactly true, case in point Mega man (especially Legends) and 2D…
The diversity question leads to so many more questions: Does it suffice if the supporting cast is diverse? Will it improve the game if the gender or ethnicity or sexuality of the playable lead character can be switched by the player? If the game is diverse, is it diverse in a smart way or is it just rife with…
Right now I'm writing an article/essay in which I share what I found in my quest to answer the question, Are games Art? (and by extension, What is Art?). I spent six months learning art history, communication and the culture industry, among other things, which led me to my current answer. Hopefully I will finish it…
This is very true...and now I'm jealous too.
While Prince Robot IV is very cool, the best, BEST cosplay there is the Death Becomes Her one. I mean, they really pulled it off and the fact that they chose one of Bruce Willis "lesser", is all kinds of awesome.
That is because it was heavily inspired by GiTS. If I'm not mistaken, the whole point of the mod was to replicate GiTS in some form. It's a super cool homage.
It's worse, harmony gold claim that the own the rights to all Macross outside Japan, not just US. So harmony gold is fucking over not just the US but the rest of the world as well.
Definetly, but not about dicks themselves, but about how past plans turned out what plans are there for the future, plans for condoms and what goes inside them...dicks.