
Because it's not the Lizard, from what I can gather, the game does not follow the movie story, you fight Iguana which is a (appropriately) a mutated iguana who gains sentience with the formula that created the Lizard.

If they are not being stupid, then I suppose that friend codes would work kind of like a parental control, you can set it up so your kids can only add friends with friend codes, which I believe was the point of the original friend code to protect the kids from strangers. But if you so wish then you can use disable

But a current high end PC is way more powerful than any current console, so it would by necessity need to be next gen.

Pepper is called Rescue if I'm not mistaken, which as of invincible iron man has stuck. Natalia Romanof died in the ultimates so I would not sat it stuck.

Goddamn it, I love Zoe and will be buying this collection, but they better redo the first games cutscenes in anime like the ones used on the second game. Seeing Leo in animated like that just made me remember that the first games cutscenes were not all that hot.

Hahaha we are all for equality. That is a Cock-pit, as shinkawa said.

Had not realized that, he even has the longcoat and everything... shit now I have to see Gits again.

Whoever did this is really really good, kudos at the creators.

Any one else gets a Ghost in the Shell vibe from this? Imagine a GITS game with all the things you see here and more like cyberbrain hacking.... I gets chills just thinking about a game like that. One can only hope.

From what I could find, there are no friend codes but user accounts instead, but we will have to see.

For the Wii U apparently yeah, from what I can tell they are using usernames like everyone else.

Well, I can't say I speak for everyone, but I hated FFXIII and it had nothing to do with the concept of easing in the gameplay, well a bit but I'll get to that.

Wow, I did not actually understood how it would work, but if this is true, then it's really a cool system to work with.

Not Quite.

Yeah it's exactly like that, like there is a good 30 seconds missing from the video.

Oh come on, any game that has the mullet superman can't be all bad!

Is it just me or the trailer kind of stops before the end? It stops after Grundy talks and batman runs, like it was cut or something?

so relaxing? I lived in mortal fear of messing something up when I tried to do a model.

I played MP1 and 2 as well, and they do drop painkillers, but it's so rare they might as well not drop any.

Which is why i said to always keep your distance, you don't kneel and beg for forgiveness, you step away and try to defuse the situation. What I said about surrendering, is to defuse the situation in whatever way you can, not letting him do whatever the hell he wants, that's stupid and will most likely get you killed.