Ok, well what if the person seeking justice believes that justice is the murder of another person?
Ok, well what if the person seeking justice believes that justice is the murder of another person?
Not really, I just value consistency.
Ok, then please provide me a detailed list of the crimes you are willing to forgive in the pursuit of justice, and under exactly what contexts they are appropriate.
Matchmaking is bullshit.
Ok, you're an 'ends justify the means' person.
I think as technology improves it will be possible.
No, an illegal act is illegal and therefore punishable.
I am using critical thinking.
Honestly, I think it has a lot to do with the fact that cases get a lot more expensive and complicated once they go federal. So the Federal sentences are disproportionately high as a deterrent, as a way to try and minimize the man hours and cost of running after these people.
I just don't think you can compare the [potential] sentencing of a legal adult for a federal crime, to the sentencing of a legal minor for a local crime...
I guess.
I don't think anybody feels bad for the Steunbenville rapists.
Hacking in general is a federal crime. It has to be, because you could hack a site located in New York from Arizona if you wanted to.
If the end is just, sometimes you have to do illegal things to bring to light the illegal actions of another.
I don't see how downplaying one crime does anything to uplift the severity of another, honestly...
If you have a problem with the number of years doled out, doesn't that require a change of the laws as it regards the sentencing of minors, the jurisdiction of hacking crimes, etc?
I don't think so. I remember Anonymous saying that they would push for the 'facilitators' of the crime to be punished, but nothing ever came of it.
Different crimes, different jurisdiction.
Can't compare them.