
I admire the people who can make this work. I sure as hell can't.

If you think cheating should be against the law, you are a stupid person.

Yeah. Fuck old people.

Ageism is as nasty and gross as racism and sexism dude.

I believe the views she put forward in this piece are dangerous.

There is nothing insulting about saying 'you are not entitled to know what I do with my life outside the sexual encounters we share*'.

I feel for you.

You whine alot.

As I said in my original post, telling somebody you're clean and having unprotected sex with them is the one item I agree with her on. And in most places, it IS a form of assault.

We cannot let this continue, because no consent = rape. Period.

It is not a sexual violation, because consent is always given by the woman.

From the article:

Oh god. I take it you agree that lying is equivalent to rape?

What in the name of god did you find compelling?

Sorry kiddo. Bigotry is bigotry. You don't get to pick and choose what groups deserve to be unfairly painted with broad strokes. It's bad regardless.

Hey everybody let's all laugh at this fucking crazy person and their view that lying is the equivalent of rape and sexual assault.*

Hmmmm... based on your seeming entitlement to shame dudebros as a group, I'm going to guess you fall into one of the following groups yourself:

Nope. Shaming is bad, whether it's sluts or dudebros, fat people or poor people, or any other group.

Shaming is shaming.

Of course sweetie. Nobody has it as tough as you.