
Seriously... Who knew the movie Robocop would end up being a prophetic movie for Detroit?

Prepare for inbound Scientology lawsuit.

Ivan, you can love your car...

It wasn't illegal. It was just undocumented with DHS. Petty difference, but there's a difference. The EPA and OSHA knew it was there.

Ammonium nitrate doesn't blow up when sprayed with water. In fact, you're supposed to fight an ammonium nitrate fire with a lot of water.

I ran this QR code.

Anyone else see a catfish?

Don't you just LOVE autocorrect?!

Just what I need.

Jury says yes.

Thank Buddha, because otherwise the building would look like this.

From what I've seen of sky scrapers lately, this building wouldn't fit in well in china.

Platoon and Snatch? RAT BASTARDS!!!

Welp. We're screwed now. Pardon me while I go steal a bunch of guns and bug out to my cabin in the woods for the last few hours we all have left to live.

You're crazy.

Could've been worse.

I was wondering the same thing. Looks like there might be some frame damage in the front of the vehicle.

Agree. As soon as Fisker was technically in default of their LOC (not meeting predefined hurdles), an assessment should have immediately been performed to see if it was feasible for the company to become profitable within the terms of the loan.

Interesting thread you have here.