
Hey Buddy- did you read the article?  They called and told them about the circumstances over and over and were lied to and told “someone was on the way”  Also, best of luck as you grow old alone- i’m sure you’ll have ton of people advocating for your care!

is this real??? I really don’t know

SUICIDAL THOUGHTS ARE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY PEOPLE! Not weakness, not moral failing, medical emergency!!

Something I found powerful that I read on a thread written by a veteran who had been experiencing suicidal thoughts is the phrase “SUICIDAL THOUGHTS ARE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY” They’re not something to deal with on your own, something to power through or be embarrassed about because it’s a moral failing. Treat it like

You seem real confident, guy, but you are not correct. How do I know? I’m a woman who has been using public bathrooms literally all my life! Have any of the women I know ever had an issue or expressed concerned about the possibility of a trans person using the same bathroom over the several decades I’ve been alive?

I don’t think he did- they are saying the repayment was this monthly check he would send to Cohen, but that’s sounds to me like it was just Cohen’s retainer, which they are now trying toframe as the repayment. Also, how could he repay anything if he didn’t know about it????

Yes! I came of age before the internet and I learned some realllllly key information about my body by looking through a copy of this book which was “hidden” in my friend’s basement. I had no older sister, I wasn’t on speaking terms with my mom, I honestly don’t know what I would have done without this book!!!!

These are instant court transcripts

Exactly- it’s called self-preservation!

It’s an initial court transcript, hasn’t been proofread yet because it’s literally being typed and sent out as it happens.

When she said he was there to “document” everything I couldn’t believe no one pointed out all the cameras to her! You’re literally being filmed....


Anybody know of any possible way to help this woman? I keep clicking on articles hoping there’s something, anything I can do to help. DOnate money to a legal defense fund? DOes she have any options? There must be something the public can do, right???? ANyone???

How will they make them comply though? They’re supposed to voluntarily give up their guns???

That’s interesting. For what it’s worth, I’m “regular” overweight, not like 600 lbs (or 300) so I do have some control, and I”m not starving all the time, it’s really just at night- which is why i think it’s all in my head. I am in therapy and working on alllll my issues though!


yup, it’s happened to me more times than i care to think about. I’ll purposely remove all snacks from my apt so i don’t binge at night, leaving nothing but a few healthyish items like Grapenights, but after 10pm, all bets are off :(

I have inhaled grapenuts.....

I legit feel physically hungry though, even like 5 minutes after eating an entire pot of mac and cheese. I feel so crazy when i’ve told therpaists over the years- late at night, no matter how much i’ve eaten duringthe day, i feel like this insane gnawing hunger. I know it’s not “real” because i am physically full,

You failed