I feel fairly confident this would have happened at my house growing up had we had guns. My brother is a sociopath. Luckily when it was my term to play and he wanted to, instead of murdering me, he’d just wait until I’d gotten to a super high level and then turn the machine off before i could hit save. I often…
You guys just don’t get it! Gorgeous. And I still love the Audrey version. We can love them all.
her rape didn’t getcha there? cool cool cool
Perhaps I too am old fashioned, but maybe you should shut the fuck up about something you clearly know nothing about? Just spitballin here.
YES!!! My abuser was a relative who i had to sit across from at the dinner table every night and my parents to this day don’t believe me, because “you sat at the table w him for years and everything was fine!” To all the survivors reading this, the best thing that ever happened to me was going to group therapy. Wish…
Hey teacher, I’m a teacher too and I understand your instinct to def this kid’s teacher, but you fail to recognize that this (columbus “discovering” America” is STILL TAUGHT.
That’s amazing!! Congratulations!!!
Actually I interpreted that to mean that things got crazy at work and they bonded over their mutual suffering, etc.
Is he really living a nightmare though? He’s still insanely rich, and I’m sure he still has a circle of dedicated yes-man friends to surround himself with. I mean, if OJ still has a circle of friends, Cosby def does! I bet his everyday life is still pretty fucking fine. When he’s penniless and in jail I’ll feel a…
Rando is great at parties!
And obvs manipulating you into being present when he pops out of the shower naked begging you to massage him is gentlemanly courtship!!
What’s more romantic than watching your boss jerk off into a plant??? American women JUST DON’T GET IT!
You’ve got to check out this thread Charlotte Clymer posted on Twitter, she found his resume, and it’s hilarious!!! He not only lied, but on his actual resume he stated that he won the presidential fitness award...remember that from grade school???? Uh-Mazing
A few years ago when I thought I was in a really good and emotionally stable place I weaned myself off all meds (while still in therapy etc.). and it was a nightmare. I’d been on Effexor at the time which is absolutely horrible to go off of, so many physical side effects! Needless to say that’s when things got really…
Weekly individual therapy, weekly group therapy, 40 mg prozac. I’ve been on many meds over the years, and recently weaned myself off benzos. I love benzos, a little too much? Oh, and weed!!
I know what you’re saying, and i think even for the mentally healthiest among us 2017 has been extremely difficult emotionally!! I don’t know about everyone else, but having the most most powerful men in gov’t drop the charade and go full nazi/anti-poor people has been rough.
No, it doesn’t make me sad, it makes me constantly elated and in love with modern science that has produced such a miracle! No more throwing myself against a random building as i walk home because suddenly the sadness of the universe is too much to bear and I’m sobbing....I still get sad and mad and all the other…
I should have been more specific. I’m in the legal field and I’m aware that technically an assault could even be throwing something at someone that missed them completely. I meant Sexual Assault. MIMING GROUPING IS NOT SEXUAL ASSAULT. I know this is a touchy situation and I don’t think you’re being willfully…
Hey Lana, I was one of the people that said he wasn’t actually groping her, and my point still stands. Is he a disgusting sleaze who I’ve lost all respect for ? Ummmm YES. 1000% YES! But was miming touching her breasts sexual assault? As I stated before, NO. Not everything has to be or is black and white. That…