
She was never terrified. She sees herself as a god-emperor among lesser beings. One of those lesser beings dared treat her as an equal, and incurred her righteous wrath. When she got in trouble for it, she calculated that acting aggrieved would get her out of the consequences of her actions. She feels no remorse. She

Nicole Kidman is in the top five greatest living actors on the planet. I haven’t seen any acting from off-Earth. That’s why I qualify it that way. But I’m pretty sure she’d stand up against any intergalactic competition. I say top five because I’m aware of my mid-level sophistication on spotting great acting being

Dune takes place 20 thousand years in the future. There is no such thing as our modern construct we call race in this story.

There’s too many to pick from, but this one just cracked me up. Cooper’s been shot. Ronette Polanski The only living witness to Laura Palmer’s murder has woken from her coma, and... stools.

Gene’s optimism was based in observation. He was in a plane crash, and marveled how ordinary people, even when injured, helped each other selflessly. Writers like ‘people are dicks’ because dicks are easier to write. Executives like ‘people are dicks’ because they are dicks and don’t understand selfless behavior.

7 of 9 mercy-killing Icheb was counter to every bit of character building they’ve done on Star Trek. It was just so fucking stupid. No one gives up on people like that. If you killed a traumatized, likely drugged person like 7 of 9 did, you’d just be a straight up murderer. So contrary to the intent of the writers, I

Sorry, but those environmental issues are our reality. Roughly half of all vertebrates on Earth are already gone. Our coasts will flood, and cancer rates go up and up and up when you don’t regulate pollution. It’s as real as the ground beneath your feet, and ignoring it is stupid and dangerous.

You’re describing the current American system to warn people off the socialized medicine system which, in every single scientific study has better outcomes for less money. I know this point has already been made, but I just want to share that I too, see you as either a troll or an idiot or both.

Bradley Walsh is a professional actor. It’s part of the job to do what’s in the script. Kissing is not a big deal. You consent to it when you sign a contract to play a part.

Is it just me, or does the photo in this, based off the eye-lines and posture, make Anaconda look like a movie about Ice-Cube, and his buddy the giant snake solve mysteries together?

So, someone in a universe where Spider-Man is a low-rent minor super-hero printed a massive poster-size image of him, and posted it on a wall next to a dumpster? Why?

There are a few moments this season where Chatham lets Amos’ mask slip and you see the hurricane behind his eyes. They’re some of the best moments in the show.

I have an image in my head of a dingy office somewhere in Southern California. There’s a sea of tiny cubicles. You can always hear a manager yelling at someone. The air conditioning doesn’t work, and if you’re cubicals is next to it, you can’t seem to get over this cough. This is where they make baby Yoda memes.

If a doctor prescribes a placebo, the patient will stay sick, and likely come back so they can make more sweet sweet money. Why cure something on the first visit, when you can fix it on the third.

Dancer in the Dark. Basically any Lars Von Trier movie.

The people forcing other people into concentration camps are not morally equivalent to the people being forced into those concentration camps. I’m just trying to help you figure out basic morality.

My work place has produced 4 weddings and more long-term relationships than I can count in the last 8 years. Sometimes workplace romance is cool.

Watching another human being, helpless and alone disintegrate in a beam of fire is WAY too scary an image to show to kids. Horror for kids should be something a parent or kid can have a way to learn about and control or at the very least have the power to escape. This sequence, I’m sorry, is just irresponsible.

Or is it because Russia knows that our scientists are our greatest strength, and Putin has given orders to Trump to take them out?