
If it was Hopper that stood up Joyce at the restaurant, death would have been too easy a fate. But Hopper is ‘toxic’ for being angry at Joyce for blowing him off. How is that fair? How is that human? What the fuck is wrong with people?

This is a good example as to how far beyond decency and reason, the average Republican is. When a bunch of children get shot in a school, they’re outraged that the media for misidentifying the gun. When we put refugee kids in concentration camps, psychologically torture them,and neglect them, the inhumanity doesn’t

It’s not about revenge. It’s about justice. If the president can break any law, if the president can be corrupt, if the president can cheat on elections, we will never get a single piece of legislation that benefits the people ever again. Our laws will always and forever go to the highest bidder, and there will be no

So you show a bunch of pictures of women pressing their whole bodies against a man, and the article is about how he BETTER BE RESPECTING THEIR BODILY AUTONOMY. And he’s doing the minimum by hovering his hands over their backs. I mean, come on. 

Discrimination based on religious affiliation is a violation of the 1st amendment of the Constitution.  

These guys got together and wend full on conspiracy on 4Chan to fake reviews. It’s all documented. But since your trying to blame the reasonable people, that you know, don’t conspire sell their integrity over a super-hero movie because you don’t like girls, of conspiracy, I’m relatively sure your one of them. Nice

The whole point is that they didn’t have an informed opinion. They were lying because they’re hateful. You’re attempt at a reasonable tone is cute, but your promoting pure hatred and stupidity with it, so maybe grow up.

I think it’s because it never occurred to Joss Whedon that anyone would ever think anybody is a monster for not being able to bear children. It’s a thought that’s so far from anybody’s mind, that he just didn’t anticipate people assuming that’s what he meant. Of course she thinks she’s a monster because she worked as

They explained the rules of travel in the Marvel Universe very clearly. Since time travel is fictional, the rules they made up are not plot-holes.

Thank you. Super-Hero movies are just action movies in which there is an in-movie explanation as to how the protagonist can survive all the violence in action movies.

She was the best part of that movie.

Oh good. I bet they’re going to spend a lot of time explaining how Star Trek’s post-scarcity utopia was impossible to sustain, and the universe snapped back to it’s natural state of late-stage capitalism.

His best suit ever couldn’t take a hit from Thanos. Also the last time he tried that he made Ultron. I think he’s limited in his materials tech. And you know the producers are huge enough nerds to have discussed this.

There’s a big difference between Gambit and Deadpool. Gambit isn’t funny. His powers are weird and when they’re not weird they’re boring. Throwing stuff is a boring power. Gambit is not likable. 

I’m just shocked how little empathy people have. Maybe he’s never even touched a girl before. Maybe his friends will make fun of him. You’re treating him like he’s some nefarious emperor of men oppressing his slaves, but he’s just a dumb boy filled with hormones, and it’s not his fault. And no, I’m not making excuses,

He’s afraid he’ll get a boner. Being a teenage boy is a frickin’ horror-show of hormones. 

Potatoes! Po-Ta-Tos! sauteed in butter with onions, salt, and pepper was the best way to do it. Just buy a big bag of potatoes (under $5 for 10lbs of food) and a big bag of onions. Steal the salt and pepper from fast-food restaurants. Garnish the potatoes with stolen Taco Bell hot-sauce packets. You could go to sleep

When my mother went to a more remote village in Japan, all the kids gathered around her and touched her hair because they’d never seen wavy light-brown hair in person before. So it’s not just white people. 

They should give Jane Espenson a pass at the script. I know she does a lot of TV, but she’s written a lot of great TV. She’s funny. She’s done Battlestar Galactica which had some of the best female characters ever, and had great action.

The mind of someone who sees that animal in that photo, and thinks, ‘I want to shoot and kill that’ is so distant from mine that I feel there would never be any point in trying to communicate with them in any way.