
When I saw this clip, I thought, wow, that’s like drowning someone, then using their corpse as a flotation device, then yelling, ‘wow! Look at me! I can swim!’.

It’s weird that Bolton’s notes aren’t written in the blood of infants in backwards Latin.

When groups of Japanese businessmen stay in hotels they check in, then trade rooms based on some arcane formula, don’t tell the hotel, then are baffled when calls are sent to the wrong room. When they lose their keys, we ask for id, and it doesn’t match the room, so we can’t give them keys to the room they want, and

A woman shot a gun in the air to fend off her abusive husband, and is given jail time. A man stalks then shoots and kills an unarmed child, and walks free. The woman was black. The man was white. Florida’s judges, police, and legislators are mostly racist white christian Republicans. They write and enforce the laws to

If he’s getting comments like this on a regular basis, he’s protecting his sanity by deleting his accounts. If I posted a cry for help, and people reacted like this, it would break my heart.

Winslet was filming in Mexico. 

His base would not leave him if he shot someone in the head on 5th avenue. So we all agree on one thing, Trump’s base is deeply stupid. If you could change their mind with rational arguments, there would be no Trump supporters. 

That’s funny because prosecutor call becoming a defense attorney ‘going to the dark side.’ Defenders make more money protecting people that are usually guilty. Prosecutors usually work to get bad people out of society. I guess it’s pretty complex.

White people cooking is based on not wanting to hurt your mom’s feelings when her cooking hasn’t changed since she learned to make food for toddlers, and she personally takes no joy in eating herself since she has full-blown depression

All of the benefits you claim are actually the result of people people fighting against capitalism. But it’s pretty much universal that capitalists are willing to lie to support the wealth of the elite.

I regularly creep women out walking down the street minding my own business making no contact with them. And I’m just a big dopey guy that’s gay as fuck. So many women are so addicted to being offended they seek it out.

I love that when James and Jesse go straight, they open up a grooming salon, or a snack stand at a stadium, they do really well. The only thing getting between them and success is their compulsion to cheat. They’re both hard-working, and clever, they could be really successful, but they always screw it up by being

It’s always nice to have a conspiracy theory backed up with evidence. Agents of Shield may go up and down in quality, but even in the worst episodes, there are good performances, fight choreography, or a few funny jokes. It’s always entertaining. I always felt it was more widely appreciated than the ratings indicated.

Does the Daily Mail forget that most of us were there at the time? Like, bros, we remember what we saw and heard and read from that time. It’s too soon to rewrite history because it’s not a story yet. It’s a memory.

Did Lori Grimes write this? I’m kidding. Rick Grimes being so reserved, he appears to be a cipher is his wife’s pre-apocalypse problem with him. It’s written into the character on purpose.

It’s a real shame Chris Claremont doesn’t get more credit or money for all the TV and movies that have mined his mind for material. Even the way Marvel Studios builds characters and writes fights has his fingerprints on them.

I think you’re giving them too much credit. Corrupt Republican politicians hire corrupt Republican contractors to create voting machines that can be manipulated by more corrupt Republicans. They are working exactly as intended because the makers of these machines built them to steal elections.

Right-Wingers lack the capacity to write a decent TV show of any genre.

The people of the EPA are god-damn heroes. They need to start promoting their successes. 

Saw it. The links don’t go anywhere.