
When there is a female version of something like Hefner, well into her 80s, surrounded by fawning, handsome young men, then I'll start to believe that social progress is being made.

Or you know, stand against the relentless objectification of women in public space.

So a man can rape, kidnap, starve, torture, and more, three young women. But none of that is enough for the death penalty. For the death penalty you need a murder.

I'm usually all for innocent until proven guilty, everyone deserves their day in, court, yada yada yada, but I just, I can't. I live in Ohio, and the thought that I, as a taxpayer, have to pay for this waste of oxygen to get three square meals a day and watch tv and more or less live a comfortable life from now until

Consanguinity is linked to birth defects. Would you be just as offended if the article pointed out that this is found in the Amish community? Closed off communities who only allow marriage between families in that same community have higher incidences of birth defects. It has nothing to do with Judaism and everything

well, seeing as she outranks the Mr. Grabbyhands that she's replacing, just point at them and laugh.

Dude- this whole story is so bizarre. The lengths she went to to frame her husband are way beyond a normal range.

I don't mean to play anything down - just feel like the Steubenville guys deserve a taste of their own medicine. And honestly, I don't really feel one tiny bit bad for them. They had an entire town working their asses off to cover for their scummy, disgusting actions. I'm glad to see some sunlight can still get

If the end is just, sometimes you have to do illegal things to bring to light the illegal actions of another.

Not at all, just that he will serve a harsher sentence, if convicted, than the rapists.

Have you ever been raped? I would have much rather have been murdered than raped; I have ptsd to this day 15 years later I no longer feel safe being around any male alone. No longer do I associate with males meaning I have no male friends or acquaintances. How can you cut short such an abhorrent act?

She was coerced into that situation and pressured that is not consensual that is rape plain and simple if you took off your rose tinted glasses you would see that. The man should be serving a 15 year to life sentence their is nothing more violating and abhorrent as rape it is the worst possible crime.

If a male does a sexual act without your permission it is rape plain and simple no ifs ands or buts they should receive at minimum a 15 year sentence.

It's natural to get an erection when stimulated. That doesn't mean you should take it out and take care of business when in public.

I suggest you stop trying to police her tone and tell her what to do. I also suggest you stop making excuses for people being dicks.

Wow, no. I'm on Ben Franklin's side here "Those who sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither."

There's a good poem called "First they came...". You should check it out, it's quite famous.

I have a mentally ill, abusive mother. Everything is your fault, never hers, and she fake cries at the drop of a hat. She also picks on us and hates us randomly.

This is exactly my situation. My mom is a defeated person with mental health issues. I just got back from visiting my family, and the level of bitterness and delusion she exhibits is awful. I'm terrified I'll turn into her and every now and then I catch myself acting a little like her and I hate it.

Okay, this only vaguely has to do with this topic, but I am petrified of turning into my mother. She has a myriad of mental health issues, which I know I have inherited. The thing is, she never really got any better, and continues to this day to make poor decisions and play the victim. I see so much of myself in