The game isn't better than MK8, or even MK7, it is just nostalgia, and just because you played it recently doesn't mean that isn't the case.
The game isn't better than MK8, or even MK7, it is just nostalgia, and just because you played it recently doesn't mean that isn't the case.
This is clearly wrong and powers are being abused... But there are no workers rights and laws as I understand... (Though that will change soon.)
While honor can be admirable, you're certainly simplifying the situation. Try "I'm of the mindset that if you think I didn't do well or if you think that its my fault that that the company didn't do well, fire me *and let me and my dependents starve* because I'm not going to get bent out of shape over it and beg and…
Get to 12:30 on this Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 EVO semifinal clip and you'll see/hear what looks like an impending…
With a $35,000 on the line — the largest pot of EVO 2014 — Keiji "Garireo" Okamoto and Ryo "Dogura" Nozaki put up…
You and every other non Tekken fan in the room. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is the best Tekken game.
Tekken Tag on PS2 was my favourite. Music, tagging, loads of playable characters and unlockables such as Tekken Bowl.
I love how you did it anyways.
Surprised but happy that they didn't take the "wet shirt" route with Peach.
Thanks for the comment, I don't worry about my weight, it goes up and down. I don't let my weight stop me for cosplaying/costuming , I cosplay for me because I love it.
Start working at home with Google! It's by-far the best job I've had. Last Wednesday I got a brand new BMW since getting a check for $6474 this - 4 weeks past. I began this 8-months ago and immediately was bringing home at least $77 per hour. I work through this link, go to tech tab for work detail✒✒✒✒✒✒✒✒ http://ww…
This is Ashen. It's "an action RPG about a wanderer in search of a place to call home". It looks awesome.
The Irony of fox news co-opting a logo from a game that is against bigotry, xenophobia, closed borders and blind religious zealotry is just too good to spoil.
Who knew Pokémon could be so fashionable?
A million times this.
If Sony would just stop fucking around with the memory card prices, then i might actually buy one. The amount of times i've stood in the store going "well this price isn't so bad" only to be bitchslapped by the pricetag on that 64 gb memory card... I've actually seen the machine for less than the price of that memory…
The Travel Channel has postponed Man Finds Food, the new show featuring professional human garbage-disposal Adam…
Get Art Academy Sketch Pad then. They have great Miiverse with amazing art.