Hold up, there's a guy named Iraq??
Hold up, there's a guy named Iraq??
Do you mean when ****SPPPPOYYYYYYYYLLLLLARRRRRZZZZ (for the 2 remaining people who haven't played Red Dead Redemption)**** John Marston get's cut down in front of his ranch or when his son takes out the federal agent at the very end?
Thanks guys, you've officially turned this page into P90X for Fat Red Mechs.
I'm down with this film. I don't care how bad it might be, I'll watch it.
I don't like him either but if you want to scare the shit out of mom, dad, girlfriend, neices, nephews, whatever...this is a great video to let them watch:
..finish sentences?
Ugh. Aphex Twin. If you want to listen to incoherent noise, blips, blops and random thrashes of static mashed together with dumb awkward vocal one-liners dispersed every now and then and passed off as "music", by all means he's your guy. I remember back in the day, I bought the Richard D. James album and God was that…
I don't think it has anything to do with "slumming it." He probably was given the opportunity and though: why not? This is a cool interview with him if you want to know what he's been up to lately: http://www.nerdist.com/pepisode/pop-m…
and...I see dead people?
Apparently Chloe Dykstra is in there too.
That bearded guy 0:16 is Haley Joel Osment (the kid from the Sixth Sense).
I'm being sarcastic. Of course I've heard of Detroit. Philadelphia has a lot of places like that too.
Don't forget those Tekken and Soul Calibur iOS F2P card games.
No never.
In the last few years, I've really grown to HATE general Transformers Toys (higher priced collectors editions [mostly] exempt). The character/vehicle designs are really horrible looking. Even the plastic looks cheaper and flimsier compared to the high quality heavier glossier G1 & G2 toys. The older Transformers had…
I guess until 90% of console gamers have moved on to new consoles....No.
But...why is a Real Estate Blog...of all blogs....looking at who owns what console? That'd be like if Planned Parenthood was investigating whether you like Whoppers or Big Macs. It doesn't make sense.