Sniper Gillespie

There was a psychologist that discussed what you mentioned. Apparently, the breaking of one's own stuff or the stuff that a couple claim as their's, during a fight subconsciously signifies the purging of the connections between the two people or something like that. It's about getting rid of the things that tie you to

If I was a neighbor and owned one of those cars parked down there, I'd be PISSED.

This must be Jason To...*cough* Arkham Knight's colostomy bag.

Its for aerodynamics, y'know? Helps cut through wind resistance when she's falling from the sky in a crowd of hipsters.

I thought it was Irish hipster Green Arrow.

This one is incredible.

Reminds me of this:

You gotta go to Creepy PastaCon to see Slender Man in action.

Wow, tell your sister to be careful. My sister used the same stuff and now she looks like the Crypt Keeper. Last night she shit out her lungs all over her bed. They literally flew out of her ass and splattered all over her Justin Bieber posters.

Or he could make the spines out of plastic and hit them with Montana Alien Concepts GID paint.

I wonder what he finished it with. Its understandable if he airbrushed the foam that it would start breaking up. That stuff really doesn't hold up and because its incredibly porous, sometimes the paint makes it brittle and it starts to flake or disintegrate.

I watched it with the sound off b/c I'm at work. Did I miss something? Are they playing "Me So Horny" in the background??

I'm not really sure. I haven't run into anything like that but we mostly play simple psn arcade,games on it. Pac Man Championship DX and Gravity Rush are favorites in our house.

Wow, this brought back memories. I grew up on Little Golden Books. They were and still are awesome. A real FLCL Little Golden Book would be amazing.

It is pretty nifty. I imported one for my wife. She digs the crap out of it and the screen actually looks great so the whole OLED vs LCD argument doesn't really matter much.

Yeah, that still looks awesome.

She needs to take on the psycho that recently stabbed her band-mates.

These aren't as exciting as the previously released colors. I prefer the bright yellow vita.

Say what now?

The only knowledge I have of Slenderman is a stupid iOS game. I wasn't aware that there's actually a myth that goes with it. Is Slenderman the new Moth Man or Jersey Devil?