
Look, 800,000 people who voted early this cycle in GA did not vote at all in 2014. GA is already has already seen 120% of the total turnout from that cycle before election day itself.

I am so happy for Michelle Williams happiness. I also love that she does everything she can to be a private citizen in her industry for herself and her daughter. I adore how she describes their relationship. All the best wishes and blessings to them.

“They’re never going to get married because they think marriage is too mainstream,” the source said.

that dress is tragic. i think the color is lovely (no argument with the piss jokes, though), and the motion is wonderful. but the draping and structure of the bodice is hilariously, ridiculously wrong. Melania Trump has got to be one of the easiest figures to dress from a purely geometric standpoint - the woman’s got

They look so happy!

and Jon Snow are getting married today in REAL LIFE Ygritte’s family castle in REAL LIFE because she is of noble blood in REAL LIFE!!!

The “British Empire” doesn’t mean what it used to which is why hundreds of people who have simply done exceptional work in their communities all over the world happily accept these honors every year like they do other community service awards and honors. They also often bring much needed publicity (=€£$+ new members)

Refusing feels ridiculous to me. You’re being complimented, that’s all. At the end of the day it’s no different from other prizes and awards they did accept.

Hot take: SATC was for white women and loved pretty much only by white women, am I right? I’m of the target age group that loved the show, but I’m not white. Even when the show started airing back in the late 90's, I never envied Carrie or wanted her life. I thought her ‘fashion’ was over the top silly, she was

My family met a weirdly high amount of evangelical missionaries in Africa - it really grossed us out, because to us it was so blatantly a colonising mission, designed to convert people to an American Christianity rather than improve their lives in any way. It was quite confronting, being raised agnostic/Catholic, to

When it leads to your impeachment.

Would you mind explaining what reasoning your church gave you for the need for a mission to Romania? It’s a predominantly Christian (Orthodox) country already, and I’ve always been confused by why so many evangelical churches seem to do missions there. (For context, I’m Romanian-born but grew up in Canada, and was

I grew up in a 70s hippie brand of Catholicism, and though I left the faith a long time ago, I believe that hate and exclusion and dominance were never supposed to be the main messages of the faith. I think faith has been used as a weapon, and if we were able to strip it all back to the main message of “do unto

As a Christian I have to agree.

Sometimes I wonder how Christianity would have fared if that asshole Paul had never shown up. I’m an atheist, but reading Jesus’ words it’s hard not to like the guy- he was a radical determined to shake up those in power, he taught that people deserved to be treated well, preached that the poor should be fed and

Seriously! When I was 15 I thought I deserved out too. Now that I’m in my 30s, I’m endlessly wishing I could just go home and be taken care of.

EVERY 15 year old thinks they are grown up, their parents are holding them back and they need to move out. One good thing about being lower middle class, my parents could just reply “How are you planning to pay for that?” 


“After spending 24 days in her void, it was announced that Melania Trump would be present at an event honoring Gold Star families tonight. Unfortunately, that event is not open to the press. So we will just have to take their word for it.”

Later on that night...