I support Melania in that I think it will be wildly entertaining to watch her take him to the cleaners during their inevitable public divorce.
I support Melania in that I think it will be wildly entertaining to watch her take him to the cleaners during their inevitable public divorce.
The biggest thing to keep in mind is that they’re working dogs and have the energy levels to match. They require a lot more exercise and energy outlets than their size would imply.
I think one of them was Cal. They have to be especially pissed
They aren’t, the events are free. They just require registration beforehand. Speakers charge flat rates that are established by their booking agents. This stupid Snookie thing comes up every time Rutgers books a prominent speaker. I think Snookie just happened to have a better booking agent in 2011/felt she was able…
THANK YOU. I love dogs, but there are many places where they don’t belong. People who drag their dog everywhere never seem to consider their dog’s actual feelings. They are also incredibly cavalier about allergy sufferers and people who with very real fears of dogs. It’s so self centered; it drives me crazy
My cousin pulled this shit at Christmas. She brought her golden retriever to my parent’s house. My parents have a dog who Does Not Play Well With Others. He was abused prior to my parents getting him and doesn’t cope with lots of new people and animals. Generally, it’s not an issue as my parents live in splendid…
There will be rumors she is pregnant with twins until the day she dies at 97
There is still a subset of people who buy dogs to perform the specific job they were bred to do. It’s understandable for people who need a working dog. My friend’s family owns a cattle ranch and they have bought all their herding dogs. People who just want pets should of course adopt, however.
A lot of them, especially the older professors, have never had a job outside of academia. They never had to build a lot of the social skills required to navigate an office environment and are largely clueless about the practical realities their students face each day.
Not going to lie, I looked through the list to see if any of my male art history professors from my grad program made the cut. I’m honestly shocked they didn’t. There are four of them and they are are all lechors to a man.
I’ve been trying to channel the confidence of a mediocre white guy while applying to grad programs this fall.
This is what dog people never understand. Cats will consistently be assholes. It’s a source of stability. And, on occasion, they will surprise you being utterly nice out of nowhere (presumably because they’re plotting your death, but still).
Imagine how productive s/he would be if s/he stopped making useless burners and devoted that energy into a productive cause.
Everyone together now!
Fuck. Yes. It’s on.
Uhh, there’s a documentary? What’s it called? I need to relive 7th grade this weekend
“it’s the lofts across from SexWorld, near Target Field.”
Thank you!
It’s ostensibly covered by my insurance, though my copay is pretty outrageous. Fortunately I can juuuust make it work.