Snake Charmer

The deal a couple years ago keeps the Comic-Con in San Diego until 2016 after which they can choose to move to another city. Unfortunately, the convention center expansion is caught up in court and probably will not happen by that deadline. Sad.

Thunder in San Diego this morning. Apparently freaked a lot of people out.

This is how new words enter the English language. I'm still trying to make blerglgurg happen.

California IS the most important state in the union. So important in fact, that they are trying to break it up into six states so that there could be six Californias. j/k!

Being a huge Halloween fan, this is one of my favorites, though it hasn't been updated in a while. Lots of interesting ideas for the spooky season. I've also found Pinteret useful for yard design ideas, especially if the pin leads back to a how-to article.

If they find a huge pyramid at the bottom of that hole then it's all the proof we need that Predators and Aliens do indeed exist.

Hmmm... just watched Transcendence the other day. I smell a rat!

Dang it! I used to be able to get a new movie every third day, on the one disk at a time plan, but now I moved and mail doesn't show up till 4:30. So as it is, I get the disk late. By the time I (cough, cough) make my copy and get it back to the post office mail box it's past 5pm, so it doesn't get sent back till the

I miss the good old days when we could just walk up and buy tickets. Been a few years since I've attended. At least all the local stations are giving away tickets. No luck wining any so far though.

San Diego talking here... what's water?

Might want to have the Doctor look into this.

Maybe eventually, when they get more participating locations. For now, TapHunter has many more locations and local craft brew is well represented. At least in San Diego.

Man... some people have no appreciation for history.

In the '70s, San Diego's Italian community was literally split in half by the construction of interstate 5. About 35% of the neighborhood was lost. Last few decades have seen a big turn around and now Little Italy San Diego is a destination location all it's own.

The 6 Billion Dollar Man?

What city was this? Someone said San Diego but that's not how our barges are set. Someone else said New York but that doesn't look like their skyline.

I'm actually watching 'The Patriot' right now. Nothing like having a crazy Aussie playing an American patriot but I like the movie anyway. I'll watch 'Independence Day' tomorrow.

My choice for 51st state...

Growing up in Youngstown we would just go to Phantom Fireworks and tell them we were taking our purchases to our grandfolks' place across the border. Don't know if you can still get away with that these days.

It seems what's old is new? Bars like Dave & Busters, and Brewskis and Coin-Op in San Diego allow you to relive your youth... play arcade games and get smashed at the same time.