Snake Charmer

Oh good! Because I've been waiting to watch -..- — . -. —-... / -.. .- -.— ... / —- ..-. / ..-. ..- - ..- .-. . / .—. .- ... -

Pshaw! That's nothing. San Diego installed showers for the homeless right on it's front porch, at the embarcadero.

They are saying the next update for iOS will have support, then Android after that, with the desktop bringing up the rear. I don't know how often they update but I'm guessing still a bit of a wait for Windows, Linux, and OS X.

With this and support coming from VLC Player I'm liking my choice of Chromecast more and more.

Dang! This service would have been perfect for San Diego. Even if you have an antenna it's hard to get a signal because of all the hills.

I don't get the Windows 8 hate. Without a doubt it is quicker and more efficient than 7. When I first installed it I didn't want to change my workflow so I configured my desktop to look and work exactly like my Win 7 setup. As I played around with the Start Screen I found it more and more useful, to the point

Edit: Sorry uthor1981, must have clicked the wrong reply button, thought I was commenting on the main article.

Duh! L8 of course. Give us a hard one next time.

Bring it on bitches!

The Sumerians already beat you to this story, though the details are a bit different.

Just watched it last night. And yes, there are dirty streams out there. Viva la Reddit!

You no watch Gravity? You land in water, you almost drown.

Scrippshenge in San Diego...

Screw a food synthesizer, I want my holodeck right now. In fact, I'm gonna get started writing my fantasy program with Kate Upton right now.

On the plus side, if you plan on buying a house here, the real estate agents are having a fire sale.

Also, I think I see something Joker related right behind him.

They also released a first look at Wonder Woman's plane...

Now playing

Not just Russia. Something similar happened here yesterday. They're saying if it's determined that the woman driving the truck intentionally cut off the woman in the Jetta, charges could range from attempted murder to assault with a deadly weapon.