Snake Charmer

They've been watching too much Salem.

Yes... but all those people who live in Florida will have to move somewhere. It could be like a virus. Infecting all the rest of the states with dumb.

Only about 30% of Americans fought in the first revolution, trying to get those kind of numbers together today would probably be near impossible. Something I'll bet our 'leaders' and their bosses are counting on. It would take some spectacular efforts to make any changes these days.

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I still prefer L.A.'s little cousin to the south...

Ahhh... that's my Padres. If they can't win at least they can entertain the fan.

I can't wait to fly like Superman.

Who is Pavlov's experiment aimed at? The chihuahua? Or us?

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And, as usual... no San Diego. Feel like the red-headed stepchild. Maybe this will change people's opinion of our little town...

Still waiting...

I'm sure it's Melvin, which explains why he won't tell anyone.

So The Hoff is finally passé?

Just started reading Dean Koontz's Frankenstein yesterday while eating lunch at a Spaghetti Factory.

Yeah, rapid transit was all the buzz back then. What happened?

I started saving pre-82 pennies years ago for that inevitable day when the penny goes out of circulation and I can cash em in for the copper. Also have a pretty good collection of pre-65 dimes, quarters, and half-dollars... though I'm saving those in case civilization collapses and I need something to spend.

Wow... 5th Street in San Diego's Gaslamp Quarter changed drastically. Didn't know Google was around back then.

I think the one up in Carlsbad is supposed to be completed in 2016.

I got thirsty so I just dipped my glass in the toilet. Nice bouquet. Bottoms up!

Beat me to it. Stupid robot gave up eternity to become a human being. I was a human being. It ain't so great.