Snake Charmer

Cats have ... I don't know. It'll come to me.

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Sorry about the double-post

Did you catch the part where someone said "I love you", and he replied "I know"? Well payed Harrison, well played.

Ahhh... you beat me to it.

Looks vaguely familiar...

I pretty much only keep shortcuts on my desktop but from time to time, when I'm working on something, i'll create a fence and drop temporary files in it. A simple double-click on the desktop and they all disappear, just in case I want to tidy up when bringing a girl home. And by girl, I mean r/gonewild. Sigh.

Stardock Fences, 'nuff said.

I wonder if this one made the book?

No new updates coming, including security updates. The hackers are sitting there with their zero-day exploits, chomping at the bit just waiting for tomorrow.

Don't know the first one but the second one obviously involves a rodent. I'm actually watching 'The Final Countdown' right now, one of my favorite time travel movies. The USS Nimitz goes back in time to hours before the Pearl Harbor attack. I love it when they 'splash the zeros'.

Have you seen the Padres play lately? You'd be cursing too.

When I first installed Windows 8 (below) I set it up exactly like my Win 7, now I find it much easier to just hit the Start key and type in the name of the program I want. I still use the Start8 menu or a tile from time to time if I can't remember if I have a certain program installed. Interesting thing is, I tend

To all you younger folk out there... welcome to Cold War 2.0.

Never realized how much the Mennonites are like CalTrans. Except in the case of CalTrans it's 1 guy working while 80 guys oversee.

All but one of the Krispy Kremes closed down here in San Diego too. Duncan Donuts failed too, though after many years they are coming back into the market. One has opened up downtown.

Knight Rider. Now that driverless cars are legal in a few states why would they need Michael anymore?