Snake Charmer

Belching Beaver

Just goes to show how forward thinking they were when they built the sails pavilion at the San Diego Convention Center.

Shoot! You beat me to it.

Remind anyone else of this?

Again, you're comparing what we may find out there to what we know of on Earth. Who's to say there isn't a gas giant out there with sentient helium breathing balloons floating around in the atmosphere. Instead of brains, their skin is covered with a neural network and, instead of eating, they get their energy from the

I was going to say this. What if the majority of life out there breathes hydrogen and helium? That would make us the oddball of the universe. Maybe why nobody visits us?

This could explain why our planet isn't in contact with alien species. If they are THAT old they are likely very enlightened and would go about protecting small, unstable populations, much as we do. Earth is a human preserve? We are that pandas of the galaxy!

Still waiting for the video windows from Total Recall.

Survey: How many here will drop Netflix when the price goes up?

I leave my iPad next to the bed tuned into various white noise videos on youtube. Usually something about an hour or two in length so the device turns itself off when the video is done. Currently, my noise du jour is the sound of a shower running. Other times it may be a thunderstorm or a dish washer running. So much

I always knew the Aliens guy was from Mars! Light gravity makes the hair stand up.

Wikipedia says that the CN Tower pour was over a period of about 8 months so they must be using the term in a different context.

Mobsters are lining up around the block with their "packages".

As it alludes in the article, some areas can't handle such a large continuous pour.

It seems to me it's likely that any older civilizations would have moved so far beyond us that we wouldn't even know what to look for. Highly unlikely they're still using radio or any other form of communications we'd recognize. We'd also be as interesting to them as ants are to us. Earth is a giant ant hill.

<Plus, let's be honest. You have a key "hidden" within 20 feet of your door.>

Ahhh... this explains why Time-Warner finally settled with Fox and agreed to start showing Padres games here in San Diego. They are conditioning the people to accept this merger.