Snake Charmer

This not good. Half of San Diego hasn't been able to watch Padres games for the last few years because Time Warner was playing hardball with Fox Sports. Now that Comcast may get it's foot in the door here, what are they going to do to screw us over?

Barring reclassification, phone companies should light a fire on bringing gigabit internet to phone lines. This could put Time-Warner, Comcast and the other broadband companies back into the television business. What's that? People are starting to watch TV over internet? Too bad. You broadband providers should have

Funny, grew up in Ohio so I know how to handle my vehicle in adverse conditions. In fact, first snow of the year I would go into a parking lot and push the limits of my car, just to renew my feel for snow driving.

Wash Wash Wash! Poor, poor Shepard Book. Forgotten to history. Uh... the future?

So weird! Just watched it the other day. I found it gruesomely enjoyable.

As we now know, this is what the last living human will look like...

Looks like we are on the verge of rediscovering technology that the Egyptians and other ancients know. How else do you think they moved those huge blocks of stone.

Could be a simple case of wrong delivery. Maybe this package was intended for Flipper?

It's possible I have this scenario on mind because I'm watching the 1st season of the classic Doctor. Seems like this would be a good opportunity to make the Doctor a little less god-like, more prone to error, and allow the companions to take the front stage for a while. Essentially, I'm wondering if the Doctor has

He didn't seem to recognize Clara either. Also, 11 made such a big deal about not forgetting that it would be a very sad twist if he did.

See my reply to arnoc. I was just thinking it would be cool if she posed as his granddaughter, because of the age difference and his apparent memory loss. The classic first season of Doctor Who had him traveling with his granddaughter.

That's what I was thinking, are they going to try to make him more like the first Doctor? Older guy, doesn't always seem to know what he's doing. I hope the memory loss is a temporary thing, though it would be a nice nod to the first series... passing Clara off as his granddaughter.

Just watched the new Doctor's appearance. Obvious spoilers here. Seems Clara's job this season is going to be to teach the Doctor how to doctor. That ending makes 11's speech about not forgetting who he was quite sad, but at least he has one of his old companions to help him remember. I wonder if she'll tell him she's

Having never seen the classic Doctors, I'm looking forward to seeing someone older take the role. His choice of companions should be interesting. If he keeps Clara around he's gonna look like some kind of perv. Is it time for a male companion? For that matter, I wouldn't mind seeing a female Doctor, just to see her

Just watched it again today, definite tears. A lot of people believe, or at least hope there is some sort of continuation after death, the doctor knows this to be fact. Even knowing it to be fact, along with this comes the knowledge that the new life will be so different that the old existence may as well have never

So... using a flame-thrower to start the fire... not a good idea?

Now playing

Anyone else here remember being caught in the traffic on the 163 when that guy stole the tank? I knew I should have got off on Washington but how often you see something like that? Imagine that thing would have got to downtown, the damage it could have done?