Snake Charmer

Now lets say we do go to Titan to grab it's resources and it turns out there's a weird ecology there, simple animals that exist on methane. Do we go Pandora and rape the planet? Or Prime Directive it and let the animals evolve? Mankind is going to have to face these decisions someday.


California law, you can only refill the growler at the brewery where you bought it. Though this is changing.

Dump Sleepy Hollow!?! Where else can you watch someone from the Revolutionary War have a sex chat on that internet thing?

Oh man! I forgot about that. Need to read em again.

Aww man, you tough! You'd even let them take out Beth and Little Kickass?

Anybody else think that when the Governor does come back it will be Carol, with her band of short-haired Amazon warrior women, coming to the rescue?

Yup! I'm a hoarder. I actually have my first PC in it's original box. A 486 Compaq Presario, in perfect condition, restored to factory settings, and including all documentation. Also have the monitor and printer that came with it. Probably should send em to a museum?

They should have had Shatner and Pine getting out of the robocar at the end.

I guess we'll just have to accept that a younger crowd has taken over Halloween. I was surprised to see so little mention of Halloween '78. I'm also surprised as to how many aficionados of the holiday haven't seen Trick 'r Treat. Definitely a new classic. If you get FearNet they are showing it all day long.

I guessing you either don't like Halloween (the holiday) or you've never seen the movie?

Tough one. For adult watching, I'd say JC's Halloween and Trick 'r Treat. For family viewing, Hocus Pocus of course, and one a lot of people seemed to have missed...

A couple more I carved

My skeliman and wolf warning

Carving pumpkins is for amateurs. Here are a couple of my ghost-o-lanterns carved out of gourds.

Does anyone else here think the reason the Internet came into being was to make it easier for the government to eavesdrop on people? Is it possible that those who control our governments could be that forward thinking? To know that what started out as a way to connect some computers would become the leading method of

At which point, a real American would see through Drac's guise and expose him as a fraud?

Cumulus radio stations in the US were giving away a trip to San Diego to stay in the Hotel Del Coronado's haunted room over this Halloween weekend. Quite the big deal seeing as it's very hard to book that room on the big night. This room was one of the inspirations for Stephen King's short story and the John Cusack

Don't know that I read any past the first 5. Not worth it, huh?

This one and it's sequels really sparked my imagination.