Snake Charmer

The crazy thing to me about those images is the electric lines. Most of ours are underground or in alleyways.

The original founders of the Comic-con heard the people. Last year they started another convention that gets things back to basics. Takes place in October. Let's just hope Hollyweird keeps their hands off this one.

You know... the first couple times she pulled that ball out I thought it was adorable.

Somebody, for the love of God, tell me how this is done! I don't want to believe in sorcery but I have no choice.

"Mind you, when I say 'harms me', I mean right now. Not maybe in the future one day possibly could happen. I mean right damn now."

So if this is the Blue Marble does that make HD 189773b (terrible name BTW) the Blue Bowling Ball?

Ha! Ha! I remember making video mix tapes with all the nude scenes from shows like Porkys. Probably still have the tape around somewhere.

Yeah... i still have encyclopedias on the shelf, and still look through them from time to time. I still have a vhs player and a dumbphone. And I just ordered a Halloween cassette tape the other day. They are gonna have to drag me into this technical world kicking and screaming.

Won't stay that way. We get sewage floods from Mexico somewhat often. Imagine how bad it will be when Tijuana gets flooded.

Glad I live up on a hill here in San Diego. Still might have to purchase a boat to go to the Albertsons.

I'm not saying I have sex with muppets, but...

It was the Galactic Empire's Independence Day. This you did not know?

Looks like Slartibartfast has been very very busy.

"There are no plans to block website from the general public."

This would be a fun trick to play on your friends who have telescopes in their windows. Tape a picture of a hot naked woman on the end. Not that that's what they use it for, of course.

The NSA guys are tripping over themselves to be the first to tell their boss about this.

That's the definition of ironing.

I gotta think a guy named Scotty was on that team. Now we just need to discover dilithium crystals.

Good info. About all I use the VM for is browsing questionable websites and running programs I suspect are infected. I have a pretty quick home-built computer with 16 gig of memory, 4 allocated to the virtual XP. Seems to run just fine, I usually put it up full-screen on the other monitor. I'm gonna give Sandboxie a