Snake Charmer

Pretty much what I do with the virt. I don't share the clipboard or network with the main machine so everything I do in the emulator is contained there. Unless there's another way the virus can transfer to the main machine that I don't know about? Only time I share is when I download something in the virt that I want

Great! Now the NSA won't even have to break into our houses to plant fake evidence. They can just hack your browsing history, find out your customer number, cut the key, and walk into your house like they belong there.

In San Diego, if you have outside irrigation, you're supposed to put a backflow device on your water system. There's always the chance chemicals or something else can get drawn into your pipes, and your drinking water, if you don't have one.

Find a way to collect power from rain and fog and people will beat a path to your door.

Good! Does that mean now I can get off this rock?

Ah yess! That is why you are the master and I am the lowly padawan. Good thinking.

Aww jeez! As long as this meme is coming back, may as well add something new to it.

The show has gone past that. With that perv Axel getting popped in the head, there are no prisoners left. Just kidding about Axel being a perv. With so few options left I see no problem with him showing interest in Beth.

Something no one else seems to have mentioned... they painted the walls to match the snake?!? Great! Not only can she open doors, she can blend into her environment too. All hail our snake overlords!

And have them turn on us humans and take over the world? No way!

Ha! Ha! I just posted the same picture. Now I'm trying to find one of a snake driving a car.

Apparently, they could be taught to cook dinner too.

Does the Doctor know about this?

I love it!

It seems San Diego now has two reasons for people to come here... the Comic-Con and the beer. Oh, and I heard there's a beach and a zoo.

We had a park in my hometown, Idora Park, that caught fire and was then abandoned. I tried to contact some people about relocating and rebuilding the Wild Cat roller-coaster but nothing came of it. Figured if they could rebuild the one here in San Diego that one could be saved too. Such a shame. At the time that

What's more preferable? Sandboxie, or running the application in a virtual machine? I'm currently doing the virt with XP for any suspect browsing and apps.

Thanks for the heads up. I still use Yahoo surprisingly a lot but rarely check the email anymore.

Walking Dead!