Snake Charmer
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We've always known youth and vigor are a state of mind. For example... check out this video of a 90-year-old woman doing a double back flip.

At least the corpse wasn't armed and dangerous.

Still waiting....

Ahhh... you kids these days have it soooo easy.

Because it's a party at the post office at midnight on the 15th.

Ah ha! First time in years I didn't use the online service. It was cheaper to get the deluxe disk, which includes one state and federal efile.

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First things first... teach it to talk, because talking dogs are funny. Then get it a cat.

I read this as I watch Kevin Costner's Waterworld. Oh the synchronicity.

This all reminds me of when cable TV first came around. It was ten years or so from when I first heard about this new form of TV transmission till when we finally got it. The day I first saw them digging up the ground to lay the pipes I had a major nerdgasm.

I used to do that with my floppy disks. Had to quit using floppies because they never seemed to work. (scratching head)

Does this mean next time I get my eyes checked I don't have to read that stupid chart?

Just came across my Motorola 8000X the other day. It's seen better days, it's discolored and the antenna cover has rotted and crumbled away. Also just found my Muraphone cordless house phone from the early 80s. Still in it's original box. Should probably put that on eBay?

While the city doesn't require us to separate our recyclables, they don't give us $$$ for cans, plastic and glass. The recycling centers, who do give you cash, ask that you densify and separate them. Easier to do it as you toss it.

I think a lot of people missed the point of this season. The climax wasn't about the prison vs Woodbury battle, it was about the Governor's final decent into madness. Next season I expect to see a Governor more like the comic book one. Though... would have been better if the prison gang thought he was dead so when he

Raised their prices again here in San Diego. I'm cutting the cord on everything but internet. Will get rid of that when google fiber gets here.

Yeah, I've been having a heck of a time finding some for my projects. Damn that Chuy!

I just collected a bunch of pallets with the intention of turning them into this (see pic). I also plan on building a wood store and a compost bin out of them. For now, until I find time to start the projects, I have them stacked so the cats can climb over and through them. I have a cathouse in the back yard.

I think it's obvious how Andrea gets out of her current predicament.

Methinks they found something in that ground up rock and are stalling while they decide whether to let 'the people' know.