Godspeed, celebrity child.
Godspeed, celebrity child.
Wow, this is sweet enough to cut through my dour Monday mood. It’s the antidote to the Nev wedding pics.
She seems capable of it. After all that training for Atomic Blond? Definitely.
It sounds like she hasn’t seen him again since that night.
it builds character!
haha. it teeters on “too much” territory then pulls itself right back.
the one room I wasn’t really into was the guest room, which is probably by design to get people moving along.
(Looks at the article on the Watts/Shreiber apartment)
he chose those bananas.
Besides, one would have to be an exceptional idiot to cheat on Mila Kunis.
it’s funny, I never thought I would have a chance to share this useless knowledge so thank YOU for allowing me. haha.
someone asked her on twitter or instagram once and she replied they haven’t been friends for years.
this is one million percent my struggle. I’ve been trying for years to find some “cool culottes” which apparently do not exist.
the part in the video when Khaled turns him away from JB’s touch is *chef’s kiss*
People always ask me how I stay in shape and looking so good.
Haha. I made that in high school! it did not look good.
Drake is serving young Luke Perry.
hahah yes. RIP my attention span.
I mean, sure, but...I still have questions.
I never understood why this was the opening of the movie