I should have stopped there. The rest of the comments fell in line with the opening.
I should have stopped there. The rest of the comments fell in line with the opening.
Late, but oh well. Multi plays like intense UC. You need teamwork to win. It plays slow (which is a good thing) and I hope they expand on it in the future. But if you have 2-3 buddies, give it a go. We had an awesome time with it on release night.
Joe Johnson...It's been a year since you left my Hawks but you still find a way to haunt me.
Disregard. Been stated
Love these posts. Seems like every one has been helpful to me lately.
When Microsoft says, "Our new console removes ownership"....yeah, the same way is better.
Thank you. I needed that. I almost got sucked in again.
I sense anger in your post. It's okay really. No matter who wins, you don't get any money from it...so don't be so hateful.
I kept hoping he would show up last night. Would have been the only way to one up the night.
It happens, and I don't want to talk down, but I think you missed the tone of the suggestions.
So is this more like EA's Online Pass, or an invitation to M$'s current policy.
Is there any way Microsoft doesn't back off these decisions? I don't know if KI or Halo can save them. I thought there is no way Sony could be any different and prepared myself for the news.
Maybe it just wasn't that good and they can move to something else. Whatever happens, I'm just ready for something...anything from team ICO.
I think I've decided to squash any of my two daughters' ideas of being actresses until they're a fully functioning adult. What trainwrecks these poor girls become.
I think Sony might lose the war of exclusives at the beginning. While gamers hate XBone's policies...I imagine, companies are happy for them and will want to be on the new XBox. Unless Sony opens up a huge market advantage down the road.
I am a Sony apologist, and this makes me a happy and sad. Happy to have more folks on our side, but sad to see a relationship on the break. I felt that way when I lost Nintendo. If you ever want to borrow any of the PS3 games you mentioned, let me know. I feel the same way about Halo and Gears. Always wanted to try…
In a night of many laughs, this made me laugh out loud. Well played sir...well played.
It's canned yes, and definitely not her scene. But I give her an Archer pass.
This is the first game I'm upset I'll be missing. Damn you M$!!!!
Agreed. The combat is intense and then slows down....again, and again. I thought that really killed the flow of the game.