
Sounds like someone ordered one and is now facing the inconvenient truths of their purchase.

If anything, that would make me MORE worried since it’s built by hand by people who KNOW that it’ll be a demo/shown to the public, and they still didn’t give enough of a shit to make the panels line up.

Uh.... Is it also unfair to pick apart a almost 10 year old car Model S cars from Tesla now for its shoddy build quality?

Lol, no it isn’t “unfair”. Tesla showed this at a semi-public event and let people record it. How is that unfair?

Why on Earth would you even show this thing in that condition? That mirror is straight up broken. This is supposed to get people excited?

This is not good! I don’t care how great Tesla is for breaking the mold and bringing EV’s to the masses. When your company is already notorious for panel gaps, you just don’t put shit like this out on display.

As much as I often complain about the tactics of the rich in avoiding and at times outright evading taxes with impunity I am completely with the boat owner here.

Only problem is that its a mob with nukes.

The economic war is sounding more and more like we’re witnessing the biggest mob take down in history. Hopefully we’re consulting some really good mob prosecutors with their knowledge and experience.

Are you and your company deeply tied to the leader of a regime who is invading a foreign country? Is your company the result of massive graft and you were able to purchase a state owned company for pennies on the dollar? Is your wealth tied to corruption and being best buds with a maniac with delusions of recreating

The Titanic was real

If your employer told you to become vegan, but you refused and were subsequently fired, would you defend the employer’s right to do that?

Even more fun to unpack is the assumptions the developer makes about the player’s gender and about women in general:

Incels ranting via patchnotes is better than taking out their frustrations on real people.

This guys dev notes are wonderful cringetopia content. Everything about that porn one you linked contradicts itself the more you read it, lol.  

So the developer is a loser. Got it.

Eh, this is what I’ve come to expect from games journalists these days. I mean, perish the thought that someone calls out Russia’s war crimes without the old “But-but-but what about what the US has done in the past?”

pls no politics in my cyberpunk game. this is a non-political genre.

In Russia, American grandma’s kitchen is aspirational. Is classy.

All the money in the world to buy a yacht, and the interior still looks like my grandma’s kitchen with a “everything must be brown and wood” color scheme befitting the 1970s era in which it was last renovated.