New Florida slogan.
New Florida slogan.
True liberty is having the freedom to be victims of poor infrastructure design
I remember visiting this brewery and feeling underwhelmed. I think it was the quality of RedHook products at the time.
Yeah. The R44 is a disaster. They're incredibly dangerous, especially when run ragged for tourists.
Piston Powered under maintained tourist trap helo. Never fly them........ever.
I like the guy in the orange coat that took a good 5 seconds to just sit there and think before running away
They own a bunch of decent craft breweries like Breckenridge, Goose Island, and Red Hook, but I’m not sure that falls under your criteria of “thing ABInbev produces.”
There isn’t a single thing ABInbev produces that I need or want to drink, TYVM.
As someone who has attempted to build a working pulse-jet, this is impressive.
Eh, give it 10 years and canada won’t even have winters anymore.
Back in 2019, I was in the market for a new 3D printer. The one I’d been using since 2015 was working just fine...but it was already an old design when I got it and printers had come a long way since then, so I could definitely do better. I bought a pair of Ender 3 Pros, based mostly on their purported performance…
Back in 2019, I was in the market for a new 3D printer. The one I’d been using since 2015 was working just…
I’m just impressed that David turned being that weird old guy down the road whose yard is full of car parts and who is always covered in oil into a career.
This is peak armchair quarterback. Great work!
I talked briefly to a FA after seeing an unruly ex-passenger frog marched through an airport. He told me that disturbances on flights are becoming common. It was his opinion that things haven’t been good for people’s mental health for 2 years now and when packed into a small tube for a couple hours, things go sideways.
You think flight attendants are trained in how to subdue a person that is attempting to turn a champagne bottle into a weapon? I mean, come on. Do I wish the guy could have been handled more... peacefully? Of course. But I also don’t blame a flight attendant doing what is necessary to keep themselves safe.
Stop calling it the “Freedom Convoy”. That gives it a veneer of respectability.
Some rich guy should buy it and stash it in a garage/bunker. It’ll be worth 6 figures in 30 years!
A Honda Fit turned out to be a good investment with zero depreciation? Who knew?
+1 for Monel rivets in automotive applications they are expensive, yep boat and plane expensive, but are strong and resist corrosion when dealing with mixes of aluminum and steel parts, way better than stainless steel rivets in this combination. I did an aluminum race car interior once with hand riveter, it was days…