
Oh my god, this. So much this. I live in a community of Perfects - perfectly behaving, and perfectly judgmental. Their judgement runs a spectrum - they can look down their nose at any parenting “flaw”, noting your child’s apparent lack of exercise, struggles in the classroom, or higher-than-normal absenteeism; but

I used to think like those “perfect parents”. That I couldn’t do something like “leave my kid in a hot car”, until the day I failed to strap a toddler into her carseat. I sat her in, loaded the rest of the knuckleheads, jumped in the truck and pulled off. I didn’t realize my mistake until she climbed over the front

I think some parents are so insistent on “It couldn’t happen to ME” because they need to think that. If only “bad” parents’ children die in accidents, then “good” parents don’t have to admit they are also terrifyingly vulnerable to the worst thing imaginable.

I’m not taking this fuckstick out of the greys, but I’m posting this here so that other folks can see what an asshole he is. 

This happened to friends of mine. They are the best, sweetest parents I know.  The parent I worked with changed jobs and we fell out of touch for a few months before it happened.  By the time I had heard what had happened, they had withdrawn and changed some of their contact information.  Then they moved away and I

Every person in this comments section needs to read Gene Weingarten’s article to understand this. He explains how we automate our actions in order to function, and how this automation allows competent, caring people to commit horribly negligent mistakes.

Thanks for the dose of reality. I’m sorry for your loss. 

Sure do love all the perfect parents in this comment section who have never, ever fucked up, not even once. Not even when they are tired, or stressed, or sick, or overworked or running on fumes.

And you’ve not had any fun since, it sounds like.

Oh man what a waste of time reading your comment was. I feel bad about myself now.

I remember when Orange Box came out. I was a Junior in college. I am now 31 with two children.

“Mercilessly beat the shit out of every Neo-Nazi you see on fucking sight”.....

Tag line for the box art right there.

It’s like Hitman, except instead of a Hitman, you’re a goose.
And instead of killing people, you’re annoying them... as a goose.

I think i may take a Gander at this game

Multiplayer goose assholery simulator?

No, they did it to troll the console overlords on behalf of the gaming community.