Yeah, I preordered it back in 2010 after playing Lugaru - downloaded the version they had built at that point and was disappointed that I couldn't really do any thing with it. A year ago I remembered I had preordered and downloaded what they had at that point - it's coming along nicely. They're going so in depth…
There are some buildings (and a lot of other structures) available that you can place in the alpha, and they will no doubt be implemented in the story-mode. The landscape is really impressive too, with mountains and the height difference in various structures. This scene is probably from an early version of the…
I picked Lugaru up in one of the Humble Bundles, (2010) and really liked it. When I heard about Overgrowth and saw the screenshots, I was excited to pre-order and get early access to the alpha. So I downloaded Overgrowth and it was... wow, way early in development.
I'd rather watch her in this than Lady Gaga wearing meat or frogs or whatever the hell she calls clothing.
Nice article Kirk.
So, my first thought after the last announcement: what content did they take away in order to make this happen? Were they sitting around thinking, "Yeah, we really can't do this..." "Well, take the Kinect being mandatory away. That's giving them something."
I love little easter eggs like this. Awesome.
Oh thank God, I made it down to the comments. Please don't make me go back up there.
The more I look at it though... One of those guys does not have his unit identifier on his sleeve. One of them closest is clearly at attention, the others aren't really at parade-rest - I was thinking maybe some of them were boots, but... yeah, they just look jacked up.
Looks like they're all actually standing "at ease".
If any of you believe this will ever actually see the fleet, keep pulling that wool over your eyes. More of your tax dollars spent for an overly elaborate solution that won't work any better than the friggin' ignorant videos and stand-down training we do now.
Every year it's more spending on inane shit that doesn't work, fewer people to do the job, longer hours for those that stay.
Hey partner, let me show you how my gun sounds BY SHOOTING IT TOWARDS YOUR FRICKIN' HEAD.
Fun when you win and boring when you lose? What about a game like FTL, that is so punishing? Any board game can be simulated via software. I would rather play a game and go down (losing) fighting, where I still have options, as opposed to a game like Monopoly (bad example to compare to table-top games, I know)…
Why feet? Was that seriously the best stock image you could find for this article?
This just continues to show what Minecraft is actually capable of - while Notch and Mojang sit on their asses and occasionally make pathetic updates to the whole thing. Seriously, they can't even add in furniture (yeah, I know about the stairs and signs = couch thing, and tables, but that's just lame). I can't wait…
why is that couch so angry in the video?
Now that's a plot twist. :D