Which Amoeba????? Ugh. And yes, Sgt. Pepper is a PERFECT first album for an 11 year old.
Which Amoeba????? Ugh. And yes, Sgt. Pepper is a PERFECT first album for an 11 year old.
Which Amoeba????? Ugh. And yes, Sgt. Pepper is a PERFECT first album for an 11 year old.
Which Amoeba????? Ugh. And yes, Sgt. Pepper is a PERFECT first album for an 11 year old.
Do you like Talking Heads? Then you need to have a copy of Remain in Light on vinyl. I found my copy in a record shop in the back corner of an antique store, and I probably listen to it more than any other record I own. It’s an incredible listen from start to finish without any weak points.
Do you like Talking Heads? Then you need to have a copy of Remain in Light on vinyl. I found my copy in a record…
Pink Floyd- Dark side of the moon. No justification necessary really.
Pink Floyd- Dark side of the moon. No justification necessary really.
Yeah, but he leaves too much hair in the product.
Ah.... I disagree. No small talk. Just order, make it quick, don't ask questions, don't kiss up, move to the left, and wait to be served!
Else...... NO SOUP FOR YOU!