
Which Amoeba????? Ugh. And yes, Sgt. Pepper is a PERFECT first album for an 11 year old.

Which Amoeba????? Ugh. And yes, Sgt. Pepper is a PERFECT first album for an 11 year old.

Beatles revolver. It redefined studio recording abd pushed the envelope of the technology of the time. It’s perfect

Beatles revolver. It redefined studio recording abd pushed the envelope of the technology of the time. It’s perfect

Stevie Wonder - Songs in The Key of Life. Best album of the 20th century also sounds amazing on vinyl.

Stevie Wonder - Songs in The Key of Life. Best album of the 20th century also sounds amazing on vinyl.

Because it’s both a masterpiece and the go-to album for audio heads to test their systems with:

Because it’s both a masterpiece and the go-to album for audio heads to test their systems with:

Do you like Talking Heads? Then you need to have a copy of Remain in Light on vinyl. I found my copy in a record shop in the back corner of an antique store, and I probably listen to it more than any other record I own. It’s an incredible listen from start to finish without any weak points.

Do you like Talking Heads? Then you need to have a copy of Remain in Light on vinyl. I found my copy in a record

Pink Floyd- Dark side of the moon. No justification necessary really.

Pink Floyd- Dark side of the moon. No justification necessary really.

Yeah, but he leaves too much hair in the product.


Ah.... I disagree. No small talk. Just order, make it quick, don't ask questions, don't kiss up, move to the left, and wait to be served!

Else...... NO SOUP FOR YOU!