crack a window or door while you get the fire going. Once going strong it should draw better. I had a 3 story chimney that needed the full fire to really draw.
crack a window or door while you get the fire going. Once going strong it should draw better. I had a 3 story chimney that needed the full fire to really draw.
We cannot allow for subtlety? Hannibal pushed the limits of horror and eroticism on network TV. Still cannot believe that was on REGULAR TV. Ambiguity and slow build ups shouldn’t count against such a great collective work.
Interesting right up to the point it turns out to be limited to jumping through hoops on social media.
Toddler can still close it (and pinch fingers). Or find some other way to hurt or nearly kill themselves. Toddlers are exceptionally good at finding failure points.
She was recently in the headlines because her husband passed from cancer. I doubt she was craving another minute of renewed relevance.
Is it pretty universally acknowledged that GoT got bad in the last few seasons though?
I tend to cringe at fandom names, but... wow.
That makes one of us!
I get ya, but the argument is even simpler than that: anyone who doesn’t realize that art is and has been intertwined with political discussion - and has been for all of recorded history - is a fucking moron, whether they’re actually stupid or just pretending to be.
And the cross-eyed bear that he gave to her...
Well yeah, two metric years.
dated for two years in 1992 when she was 18 and he was 33...
Did he just say “making bucks”?
♫ Would you like some making bucks / produuuuu-cer!!!! ♪
Try not to make any legacy sequels on the way to the parking lot . . . hey get back here!
In a row?!