
It’s a small typo but I’m amused that one of the great libraries in world history--if not the greatest--became a chick named Alexandra’s home collection.

Plagiarizers always assume the blog they C&P from did the fact-checking.

Also, this article might be the most convincing evidence that the writers don’t write the headlines to their own posts because this:

They’re up to ten extra discs in addition to your normal plan. You still have to send them back. They’re not just giving them away.

Now playing

It’s the art style of the current Mickey cartoons

4 tiny players together moving chaotically on a screen didn’t start with NSMB Wii, it started with Smash Bros.

Wait, you’re telling me I can’t make my Switch name ProFootballSacker, El_Kabong, RichAtRoulette, FantasticOcaInEcuador, BojackAssassin, CatchTheseMen, or GreatestEscapist?

The argument made is that casting for roles that do not have cultural trappings should not be forced to keep the ethnicity presented in prior source material purely because that was the ethnicity originally presented.

yeah i mean it does seem, based on OTHER evidence, that Corden is a complete dick, but this is a very banal example of that

My man, that’s a normal summer vacation, and no one has given me any awards for it!

I’d agree if I felt someone else was ‘robbed’ the year he got it, but the consensus around Joaquin’s Joker performance was unanimously that he was great, and he had been a lock all awards season. Phoenix winning the Oscar was such a landslide victory, if anything, it was a case of having virtually no competition at

Phoenix winning the Oscar for Joker is in line with many others who won the award because it was just ‘about time’ they won one. Actors (and directors) are often overlooked for their best performances and get the statue for just being overall good at what they do, if they do it long enough. See: Al Pacino for Scent

honestly this is good advice.

No, she’s VERY public about that sauce.

It helps, when you’re showing up on set, to be Jamie Lee Curtis.

Is this only Netflix US? Cause if it stays on Netflix in the UK, that can mean only one thing:

It’s one licensing deal, Adam. What could it cost, $10?

Does Netflix need money to keep it around? There’s always money in the banana stand.

if the code requires art inputs to work, then it is blatant theft. 

Happily. Go fuck yourself.