
What was "pyrrhic" about Bernie's early primary wins? I get the gist of the article and don't want to appear as having missed the forest whilst stumbling over the trees. But I'm confused by this description - in what way was winning Iowa or New Hampshire self-defeating?

1919 is the bomb

Yeah this is what I was disappointed with too but I am forced to admit that it’s a jalop drawback and not a general public drawback.

It’s just the same game 20 times?

You make being homeless sound so romantic.

My wife gets seriously pissed when I do this

I move on at step 2. There is no good goddamn reason for me to have to go inside the gas station.

You tightened the viola? I guess that's important too.

It doesn’t seem like anyone is talking about that 3D scene, which is almost certainly the dungeons from Fester's Quest?

I didn't beat Blaster Master till I was 18, a full ten years after it came out. The trick is to get to the area 5 boss with a fully-powered gun - that was the thing that always held me back.

I did. I'm sorry too.

You think yours are worthless? I opened all the bags and put the posters on my bedroom wall with pushpins. I'll have to pay someone to take them.

Yes plz

TP. Confirm that the paper is white, else repeat blast as necessary.

TP. Confirm that the paper is white, else repeat blast as necessary.

It’s not a big deal. I'd rather a temporarily cold butt than mudbutt.

It’s not a big deal. I'd rather a temporarily cold butt than mudbutt.

Looks like a nice fix for the dearth of couch co-op. Throw in the AD&D games and I'll jump on it for sure.

Thank you. I'd nearly lost faith in the AV Club commentariat.

This website is all about clicks. High school was all about cliques :P

Look here, boys - we found us a READER

This please.