
I did, and it was by far the most disappointing brew I had while I was there. It's just so watery, both in flavor and mouthfeel.

Necroposting, but thanks for the reminder of another nostalgia item I’ll be shelling out for on eBay (no really, thanks).

Maybe they make a nicer version which they reserve for their pricier vehicles, but I’ve spent years fighting with the Bluetooth in a couple of Journeys and it’s garbage.

Agreed save that Uconnect is fucking TERRIBLE.

I’ve never lived in a two-plate state, but that didn't stop the dealer from which I bought my GTO from adding a bracket to the front just for their custom-branded tag. They used some kind of non-threaded bolts I'll have to cut to remove, too >:(

The writers just REALLY love the utility of having a shape shifter.

I didn't even know Creem produced a gaming mag!

I don’t think I ever played a Pac Man machine that wasn’t a cocktail cabinet, but I’m still with you in solidarity, fellow correct-hander.

If you have to crank it to hear it, you need another one.

“The Chopping Bock" is the name of my new country metal band.

I actually never picked up on that.

When the car was announced, I wanted to see:

Nooooo :(

The Grand Tour boys were egregious about this. They painted a woefully incomplete picture, and millions of viewers will probably take it at face value.

The new episode was crap.

After the dog locked herself in the car because my wife left her purse in the car, TWICE, I will not be buying a car with keyless ignition.

The answer you're struggling with is, "because it looks cool."

I hate the dry and stifling feeling the heater produces. I pretty much use it exclusively for defrosting and bundle up more if I'm cold.

The first Bayformers movie was actually pre-bailout! I know it seems like ancient history at this point.

Clearly the problem is tea. Not you. Tea.