
He's got SCMODS!

I think it's a generational gap. Those of us who grew up with it just knew that "this is the way games are." Folks going back to it after the fact are frustrated that it doesn't do a clearer job of telling them what it wants from them, and somehow that makes it a "bad" game.

The fuck is "merry oh kart"?

I like this idea better. My clutch pedal is heavy :P

Stop trippin' - Arrested Development S4 was fine as-is.

Backup camera? Automatic braking? Baloney.

Regarding that photo of the Austin terrorist -


Just...keep playing with it? There isn’t anything wrong with it.

The business model is that Gizmodo receives kickbacks from the Amazon affiliate program if you buy something from the links. It says so right there, if you look:

The business model is that Gizmodo receives kickbacks from the Amazon affiliate program if you buy something from

Picked up all of Cable & Deadpool for like 15 bucks.

Picked up all of Cable & Deadpool for like 15 bucks.

Spinal Tap for Young Frankenstein is a fair trade I GUESS

Who THE FUCK is Jonathan Whitesell, and how does he receive billing on the X-Files over Gillian Anderson? What the actual fuck, Amazon?

Who THE FUCK is Jonathan Whitesell, and how does he receive billing on the X-Files over Gillian Anderson? What the

I’ve never been able to understand this. I always turn the light on, because I need to aim. And then I go back to bed and go to sleep.

I’ve never been able to understand this. I always turn the light on, because I need to aim. And then I go back to

pretzels are great, you celiac freak

“refrigerate any leftovers within two hours of cooking”

I don’t get it.

Peanuts: boiled or gtfo