
So Harrison Ford has chest hair, Alden Ehrenreich has a LOT of chest hair, but for some reason this rendering of Han is as hairless as a mole rat.

Oh boy, this bullshit I made years ago is RELEVANT AGAIN

Harry Potter and the Nightmares of Futures Past is a great fan work.

If there’s any justice in the world, Danny Rand will have been poofed.

You will be sorely missed, Katherine. You’ve been a constant positive presence here and it genuinely won’t be the same without you. You’re truly one of the Old Guard and I wish you all the luck at the Electronic Frontier Federation.

Would that it were so simple.

I can see it now.

Guys, why is everyone worrying about it looking terrible?

brb, hunting madly about for my Golden Sun kart for the 6,789th time.

Does this make Jeff Bridges an Elder Statesman? Because that is a damn fine pun.

He killed an eel, buried its guts; sprouted a tree, now you got coconuts.

I bet one hundred spacebucks it’s a Boba Fett game where you have to go up against other members of the bounty hunters guild with a game mechanic based off the Nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor. 

I’m going to see if I can’t get this running on my Raspberry Pi.

What is it with Kotaku and Io9 having staffers that don’t know anything about the topics they’re writing about these days? It’s not Hyrulian. That’s not a thing. It’s Hylian.

That’s not Brendan Fraser. That’s his stunt double from that Looney Tunes movie.

I just want Kara and Mick to become besties over burning stuff and junk food.

“...bullies on the show call him homophobic slurs, which admittedly seems like a weird way to code a character.”

Maybe someone should talk to the Director about rolling back. The reveries are clearly causing issues.

Has the Force ever willed that you be drug info the street and beat until you... PISS BLOOOOOOOD???!!!

I’d put my fist up their backsides.