
At this rate, who knows what the Gods and Monsters version of Wonder Woman is going to do?

Blade Runner is an excellent film. The problem is that it’s such a classic that almost everything since then has cribbed from it, so it will seem clichéd. It really isn’t, though. It started a whole genre of storytelling.

I fail to see how something everyone already knows about is a lifehack.

You will be sorely missed here, Meredith.

Sue’s adopted in to Johnny’s family in this iteration.

I need you to write for the second season now.

The BEST part was, after this thing skidded into the room, we saw something we had never ever seen before: Eobard Thawne unnerved and frightened. “That... is my cue to leave.”

Maybe he’s born with it.

Here’s my fear: the film will be visually great, room what I’ve seen from Jones so far I know he can write compelling characters, but I’m worried that I’ll be mentally comparing the CG of the film to the pre-rendered cutscenes from Blur Studios the entire time.

“Similarly, nothing that says that Black Panther has to be black.”

Carol Danvers the gentrified Captain Marvel? Considering Danvers has been around for like 20 years longer and actually has the Captain Marvel powers, that’s a bullshit assessment of the character.

I’ll be in my bunk.

Okay, full disclosure: Mrs. Smeagol and I used to be Glee watchers and Melissa Benoist was so incredibly unremarkable that I literally forgot her character from week to week on the show.

She played Karen Walker for like a decade on Will & Grace, which just happened to be one of NBC’s highest rated shows of all time. I think they picked the wording they wanted just fine.

This wasn’t the season finale, was it? I could have sworn that I read it was, but if it was, there was absolutely no stakes raised to lead into the next season. Anyone?

You are missing out on some fine fiction, friend.

Abarat or go home.

Only on SyFy.

I only just realized that Gideon is voiced by Morena Baccarin in this episode. I recognized her voice and then I knew it was her when Gideon smirked at Wells.