
Breathe DEEPLY!!! Breathe DEEPLY!!!

Bulletproof® coffee is a brand of coffee created in 2010 by Dave Asprey, an entrepreneur in Silicon Valley who, legend has it, was "literally rejuvenated" after being given yak butter tea by locals after hiking in Tibet in -10 degree weather at 18,000 feet.

After someone explains racism to you.

We do a couple of things to help my daughter navigate "girl world." First, I emphasize how people look like their families. There are short/tall, think/thin, dark/fair traits that we inherit that tell the story of where we come from. It clicked with her that she loves her grandma's curly hair, so she stopped wishing

Next time: "That's a really asshole thing to say. Please don't make comments like that because they upset me." Time after that: "We're done."

That gif looks like a Vermicious Knid.

I might feel more convinced if I read the whole work by Robinson, but I have to say I really disagree with this. I don't disagree with the idea that Anne is homoromantic in that she feels romantic love for other women, just with the notion that she is not in love with Gilbert. I'm not sure how this would "label" her,

Seriously the Solange Elevator attack is to Jezebel what Flight 370 is to CNN.

I had to go to church with my mom — a BAPTIST church, y'all! But I won the day by wearing panty hose and a really nice lace dress and showing up with traditional Southern corsages (white if your mom has passed and red if your mom is alive) and said how proud I was that I got to wear a red one, while she pranced me

Mom problem: neighborhood kids. Apparently some of the mothers in my neighborhood wanted to pretend they didn't have children. I had a yard full of other people's children all damn day. When I finally sent them home to put my child down for a nap, they came back THREE TIMES during the nap. They came over at 7:15 on a

I surprised my mother with an all expense paid three week touring trip to Ireland (she's always wanted to go) this morning. I usually don't get her anything since I end up paying for all of her bills and living expenses for at least five months out of the year but she's really been talking about it a lot over the past

But, having enjoyed the Harry Potterseries as a child, I thought I'd help J.K. Rowling out by tweeting her some advice.

Oh. My. God. A period drama that I didn't know about HOLY SHIT. Someone bring me a bottle of rosé and this movie, stat.

Also, "brooch."

There's just so much potential for it to look silly. I do appreciate that it's an alternative to boring tuxes.

And it sure does look dashing on this President:

I have flip flops made out of yoga mats. They're absolutely hideous and they're the only things I've worn on my feet for the past three summers. Every step I take is like walking into a thornless bed of roses while a choir of angels goes down on me.

But... but I really love my birks... I non-ironically love my birks.

New Year's Eve, 2010. After a very nice pre-game of oysters and champagne, mistercharles and I got on the #1 bus in Cambridge to head back to Boston to properly Auld Lang Syne. As we got on the bus, the driver barked, "All the way back", which didn't seem meaningful until I glanced to my right and stopped so

It really burns my noodle when people who have benefited from good luck, good health care and/or won the genetic lottery take their good fortune as proof that they have somehow found the Holy Grail of parenting, and proselytize whatever kinky path they've taken as The Way.

I eat at McDonalds maybe once or twice a year, I never have "side effects." From what, a hamburger? An egg on an English muffin? I find that puzzling, but perhaps I've just got a stronger tummy.