
We have a winner! In only 18 minutes!

Cheering up: "Hey, it sounds like you're not doing well in class. Let's set up a meeting with you, your advisor, your English teacher, and me, and see what incentives will help you improve."

The episode with Reba McEntire—where she draws a paralell between the experiences of one (white) ancestor who was shipped off to the U.S. as a boy for a ten-year term of indentured servitude to the experiences of the African-American slaves owned by that boy's eventual grandson—is also mind-blowing. It's a shame,

This statement doesn't really hold. You need only look at the VIDA count—which shows the ratio of media coverage of male writers versus female writers (in some publications, 10:1)—to see that.

Squeeeeeeee! times infinity. :)

I remember reading your original post (although I think I got distracted and forgot to comment). Anyway, my comment now is THANK GOD. Four weekends of houseguests in six weeks is Hurculean to begin with! Mr. S. and I established the law of only one set of houseguests every six weeks. Otherwise, as we've learned, the

Happy Birthday!

Subbed. I hate dubbing. Case in point: in the original version of "The French Connection," Gene Hackman's character shouts, "Did you ever pick your feet in Poughkeepsie?" at a suspect.

Ha ha. :) Yes. Settle in, everyone! And go pee now, 'cause this is gonna be one loooooooooooong comment.

Happy Birthday!

1,597 words...only 403 left to write. I think I forgot how to do this.

People who marry later typically are likely to have a greater number of independent accounts than, say, people who marry just out of college (or even grad school). Status quo for them is separate accounts, not joint. Also, as someone who married into another culture with its own currency within the was about a

Ah, the power of voice-transcription software...

If you're not Indian, and it's not an Indian wedding, then I'd say no.

Yes, because everyone petting the dogs has not done the work or attended class...

Ew, women poop during labor? Who can even deal with that kind of information? Everybody who gets to participate in an educational system that doesn't try to mask the biological realities of human existence, that's who.


I like to think that the Queen saw footage or photos of this and then sent off a Royal Grandma text:

I plaster my "Paris métro face" on whenever I'm out and about (in NYC). It's a look I perfected after watching (about 25 times) Amanda Plummer at the end of the opening scene of Pulp Fiction. That, and I never make eye contact. And to echo others, headphones.

I fell off the couch laugh-crying at this one. You win.