
I'm so sorry. If you think you'd feel better cleaning (which I totally understand), tackle it in slow bits and pieces. Maybe make a short list of the top 5 parts/things you want to clean? (Not even "Bathroom"—try just the sink, or just the tub. Then: make tea and rest. Don't worry about tackling everything.) FWIW,

I'd read that he broke up with her because she gave too many interviews about the relationship, so, at least to me, it looks like a calculated move on her part to comment in a way that would raise questions about what kinds of relationships Clooney has—it just seems like payback, designed to make mainstream audiences

One doppio post, coming up. Sigh.

"It is ridiculously easy to take the test for someone else," Mr. Kaplan [principal of Great Neck North] said. "That’s why when E.T.S. says this kind of impersonation is a rare occurrence, you just have to laugh. How would they know? All they can say is they are unaware of a large number of impersonations. I’m sure,

You're kidding, right?

Right. Plus, the article takes a more nuanced look at things (suggesting that poor access to birth control, for example, is a major cause) and essentially restates the same idea using the word "parents," which makes me wonder why they decided to oversimplify it in the subhead.

I can usually get down with The Economist, but they've crossed a line with the subhed on this story: [] "Persuading women to have fewer babies would help in some places."

This is kind of the nuclear option, but it works: bag up all fruit and veg and move it to the fridge. Move any plants that have bugs outside (if you can—if you can't, try hosing them down in the shower). As a last resort, start sealing the kitchen drain (or wherever you think they're coming from) overnight. All of the

There was a great exhibit on her that just closed at the IFC a month ago. It included an interview with her from the '80s. A truly amazing lady!

Yes, but for $20,000 you can more or less spend a week soaking up social norms and niceties *in those countries.*

I'm holding out for Damien Hirst Barbie.

The New Yorker's caption-a-cartoon contest takes place every month on the back page of the magazine. The entries are uniformly and colossally unfunny. There's usually one woman's name for every six male names. Scientific conclusion: comedy is best left to professionals and penguins.

I went to Hollins and have since taught at two coed universities, and the sweatpant quotient was much higher at the latter two... ;)

What the what?

I hope ScarJo's agent clips that Fincher remark and sends it to her. Bullet dodged!

Another compelling account of life in Terezin: [] (The author did not survive.)

Hey, welcome to the city and congrats! Also, hold onto that happy feeling—you'll need it here for the next four months, during which we do not see the sun. ;)

Hmm, my husband did a bios upgrade last week on a computer he built, and it's been a giant (expensive) brick ever since...

I enjoyed Ann Curry's horror at the end: "You asked her about toilet paper?!"