
Jesus Saves (your transmission)! Joking aside, I'm sorry—I know how frustrating it is to have people you love behave/speak irrationally. And to have to deal with shitty transmissions. (Mine more or less fell out of my car when I was doing 65 on a major Interstate.)

Aw! A keeper. :)

I don't know whether I'd call it love at first sight or just very powerful chemistry, but when I met my now-husband for the first time and shook his hand, I got some sort of weird jolt from it and my brain announced in a flash of insight (?), "ATTENTION, WOMAN. DO NOT LET THIS ONE GO." And since my brain rarely issues

A civilization goes forward (or doesn't); a celebrity writes a book's foreword (or doesn't). Not your error—it originates with HuffPo.


I think my school actually had a policy (or maybe my department) about sarcasm, and that was: not okay if used by teachers. Being hard-assed is fine, setting high expectations, etc., and students certainly understand sarcasm as used in mainstream media, but it can totally catch them off guard when it's directed at

I don't know if this will work for you, but I used to have something up on the board, or on the overhead projector (the old-school kind with a fan, even though this was only 10 years ago!), for kids to work on as they came in and got ready for class. This served one main purpose: I laid down the expectations on the

Ok, but then the question you're asking is really, "Which show is funnier?" Either way, good dilemma to have. ;)

Disagree. But the Colbert Report has better writing.

Not just unapproved comments, unapproved accounts.

Hubba Hubba?

Alternate title for this spread: "What Happened When I Ran Out of Quarters for the Bird-food Pellet Machine at the Lake."

Go teach for a year and come back and let us know if your views have changed at all.

Somewhere between the Middletons and Paz lies the ideal amount of eyeliner...

Comment of the YEAR.

Off to Libya with you, Tim, then, since you seem to have all the answers. It'll be your job to tell Qadafi that his choice of sunglasses makes him look fat. Bon voyage!

I can't fathom this, either. That's why God invented cotton candy!

Same here. I hadn't considered one until late in my senior year of high school, when, as the only girl in my English class, I listened as the discussion fell apart after one guy said: "All I know is, T.S. Eliot spells 'toilets.'" Then I thought, Hmm, maybe this single-sex education stuff is worth another look.