
@enidcoleslaw: I'm late to the party, but I firmly believe everyone should go here (Týnská Literarni Kavarna, Týnská 6, Praha 1—plug it into Google maps, zoom in all but 1, print the map and take it—it's hidden) for an afternoon or evening beer/tea. It's packed with students and the inner courtyard is blissful (oddly

@amouretrêve: Those all sound very sensible, so I will only add: Hot Tamales. By the case.

@bookling: Aw, that's kind. :) When I go as Press (sorta), I never pick up any ARCs. But when I went once to Frankfurt as a booth slave, the ARC swag made things worth it.

@illegalseagull: Seconding the blotting paper advice. Sephora's line is great as a basic.

@gertymac: Ok, off to Google that. Thanks!

@katyarizhaya: Yes, I copied and pasted that middle paragraph. I assume it was copied and pasted from somewhere else—and that it's either a typo for the Russian Federation or that the USSR joined a hell of a long time ago.

@Slatka: Well, that was awesome. And here I thought they just picked the names out of a hat. I love Jezebel.

@katyarizhaya: Aha. Via Wikipedia, here's the straightforward answer: they're a member of the European Broadcasting Union. (Incidentally, so are a bunch of the US networks and PBS; go figure.)

@Slatka: One is named Marshall's. :D The other is Cafe Scorpio. Not that I imagine that will be very helpful.

@Slatka: Ach jo. Geografie. Now I have to go find out precisely where each of the Balkan bars/cafes on my block comes from. :)

@katyarizhaya: For the purposes of Eurovision and football, they are. Also, they're about 250 miles from Cyprus. Europe is a state of mind, maybe.

@Slatka: Central/Southeast Europe, represent. :)

@Slatka: Dženi from the Block needs to happen... Where is here, for you? My Central-and-beyond European language skills are really rusty.

@enidcoleslaw: Discussions of n+infinity dimensions. No, really. Reader, I married him.

@Slatka: I cracked up when I first heard "džíny" were, in fact, jeans in Czech. There's also another, older Czech denim word that I don't remember—something like "501ny," probably.

@Miss_Dreamer: [] and [] (the latter is a bit fancier) are great. I learned from watching family and friends, but I never have time to really follow recipes anymore. Mostly, I orbit the outer edges of the supermarket, pick fresh stuff, and throw it in a skillet with olive oil,

@vulcanized: Thanks immensely—that's the kind of fast-forward summary I needed. :)

@arianamb1: Thanks! I remember watching re-runs of the old ones as a kid, but now I'm totally hooked again after watching the Help a Child one where Tennant turns up. :)

@deuteragonist: Thanks for the tips! I tried the BBC site, but, since I'm in the U.S., didn't get very far.