
@The Nose: A, followed shortly by B if nothing changes. If he has anything of yours, he'll leave it outside, as I would hope most people would.

@sporker05: "Nudge, nudge; wink, wink; know what I mean, HMM?" Totally acceptable.

@neurotickitten: "going forward" to refer to the future. Hate hate hate, unless you are actually in something MOVING FORWARD. Well, and any politico-speak, really.

@kapoosta: I imagine the Saudi consul frantically checking Craigslist Riyadh for better gigs...

You guys, this is the only good news I've heard all day: the Saudi princess vs. the bailiff! []

@Eric Northman is mine: "Disturbia" kept gnawing at me until I finally bought it on iTunes. I like it, but the rest of the album...not so much. (Am I the only one who—stupidly—buys albums, anymore?)

"Bridge Over Troubled Water" was an option at our wedding service. (We didn't choose it.) A great song, of course, but kind of inauspicious at a wedding, no? But it pales compared to another choice we avoided: "Conquest of Paradise."

Incidentally, Etsy's been showcasing a greater number of dudes, lately, in their front-page "Featured Seller" interviews. I spend a disturbing amount of time on that site for someone without a shop, and the notion that it's a women-only kingdom—or that it's marketed to women only—is disconnected from reality.

Morley Safer, I'll thank you to note that my diploma from the Brooklyn Open University says "citizen neurosurgeon," dammit.

@aloofy mcbeal: I had to tamp down my mortal fear of bedbugs to get through the day, but now I'm stuck. :( Hopefully sleep will help; thanks!

I spent the day climbing around abandoned factory buildings in flats, and now I'm convinced that there are Industrial-Revolution-era bugs eating my feet, although I've scrubbed every inch of me since returning home from factoryland. Is all the itching psychosomatic, or could I really just be a pile of bug dust from

I had to stop reading after the Brooke Shields - National Enquirer piece. Checking someone's mother out of a nursing home to get a story is vile. How old were these so-called reporters, 15?

Web-savvy Jezzies, halp. (Sorry if the phrase "web-savvy" makes you want to stab yourself—or me—with a fork.) Any web-hosting recommendations? I don't need massive space, just a place to put content and run a blog-ish thing. Moreover, I have rather limited html skills. Please advise!

@alamode: If you're in a large-ish city, CouchSurfing is an option. You don't have to actually throw open your doors/couch; you can just socialize, too. Also, mine your connections there for any opportunities: lectures, university events (if you're a student), etc. And hanging out in bookstores/cafes looking "Help,

I'm sorry, but who do the producers expect to watch this show, now that their designers have trashed women with average bodies? Maybe all the supermodels will TiVo it and tsk-tsk in sympathy.