That makes no sense
That makes no sense
Acknowledging that the Maldives are expensive is classist? Are you one of those grad students that speaks like bad post-modern mad libs?
When did we decide to massacre the word “mood”?
How did you miss the 100 red flags in that letter and take it at face value?
What else is he supposed to do? Live his entire life trying to make it up to Lewinsky? Isn’t there a point where people can just move the fuck on? Meanwhile, the entire Lewinsky scandal would be considered a good week for the Trump administration but hey, let’s all keep obsessing about the Clintons.
Or he doesn’t owe you anything, especially on his private time
How does that apply here?
What’s the weather like in Moscow these days?
How is this guy still a member of the Bar?
I didn’t get that it was a joke because I’m used to jokes being funny
Oh please don’t make this a racist thing.
I bet there’s a lot you can’t understand
If you think elderly people dying from mistakes is Darwinism you might want to brush up on your reading.
Keys are inconvenient?
Maybe if she wants to be relevant she could stand for something
Straight men can’t have super intense emotionally bonded friendships with women.
Glover (and we can even throw Jordan Peele in here for now) work in a space that is heavily inspired by the world around him.
We were born and raised in a country where you always, ALWAYS, take your shoes off before entering a residence.
Are you implying that someone would say something unscientific on Facebook?! The nerve! Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to realign my dog’s joint fluid with magnets.