Counterpoint: If someone is adovacting slavery or killing a particular ethnic group, I’m going to exervise my right to punch them in the face. You feel free to fight hatred with Reddit posts, I’m going to do what my grandpappy did to the Nazis.
Counterpoint: If someone is adovacting slavery or killing a particular ethnic group, I’m going to exervise my right to punch them in the face. You feel free to fight hatred with Reddit posts, I’m going to do what my grandpappy did to the Nazis.
I love it when people treat acts of hate and violence as ‘ideas’ and ‘ways of thinking.’ Like, if we had only debated Hitler or the Confederates we could have won WW2 or eliminated slavery with our freedom of speech.
So, you don’t want it “elevated,” but you want it declared the best movie of the year?
I have no idea what this article is trying to say.
If I want a picture of something, I want that thing as the focus, not off to the side.
You’re suggesting “she lies” is a reason to pick Trump over Clinton?
The left likes nothing more than to tell people they aren’t doing enough, and should feel bad.
So here’s a problem I have with progressive politics. Conversations are always driven to the most oppressed minority. Women march for their rights - why aren’t they focusing more on black women? Black lives matter - what about black trans women who suffer the most violence? What about disabled black trans women? Isn’t…
For those trying to make this a PETA issue:
Yeah, that’s not how that works
I care about as much as I do when I pay for an hour of parking, but leave my car there for 64 minutes.
Frankly, he’d love that a white actor is playing him.
Boyden wasn’t claiming ancestry through DNA, though. he was claiming it through an indigenous family that does not exist.
He has made himself one of the most prominent indigenous voices, so I would say the distinction becomes much more important, as does experience.
Except the narrative that Trump was elected by poorly educated, racist, entitled, angry white men has been thoroughly disproven with, you know, facts.
You don’t get to run around pretending to speak for a community and then pull the “representative Asian” card. Cho made herself a representative of her community, not Swinton.
Yeah, it was still not okay to seek out an Asian person you don’t know
What are your recipes?
What are your recipes?