
This just in: Different situations have different outcomes!

If the genders had been reversed I doubt “I heard you get sodomized often” would have been used.

I’m not even vegetarian and I prefer almond milk

Can anyone recommend a good Illustrator/vector tutorial?

This person seems insufferable

Can’t a man win an award without someone asking him about a woman? Sheesh.

The law is law. You can’t pick and choose to follow it when it suits you and complain that it is unfair when you are charged for breaking it.


You don’t have to be shocked to be angry

Actually, yes. Making up a crime is a serious offence there. But hey, let’s let the rich white guys off the hook.

Victims letting their victimizers off the hook does not excuse the behaviour.

Recent? Internet? He’s a complete dick and people have hated him forever.

I don’t want to see any of the women in the video naked.

This comment definitely made me vegetarian

But I don’t necessarily know if I’m ok with the idea of demonizing their parents for making sure their kid gets leniency.


The letter’s pretty weird, though, no? Like, why would the daughter be the one to tell? Are rapists generally child abusers? Do rapists only rape young people? Wouldn’t the sister be in a riskier situation?

as if this isn’t a chilling example of what a billionaire with a grudge can do

My best friend is incredibly attractive. He makes for a horrible wingman.

So, the guy used the wrong word here, clearly. But I think the goal of feminism should be to lessen the objectification of women, not increase the objectification of men.