
If I’m single, will she find me a girlfriend who she can then forward the pic to? (also /s)

Federal crime doesn’t have parole though, right?

No, they want women to vote, you just need to listen harder when they are telling you who to vote for.

Huh, I always pictured BernieBros as more neckbeardy lefty/libertarians than blazer-wearing bros.

Is there one for bros? I need some new bros.

Wow, my speicifc fetish now has a PNG

I’m lazy and like to eat until i puke. Maybe I’m a cat?

Slave movies make white people feel good. It sets the racism bar at “slavery.” On a scale of zero-to-slavery, we always look good. Also, we like to give awards to slave movies, so that when anyone critiques the Oscars, we can say “Oh, yeah, what about that time [Slave Movie] won all those awards?!! How can racism

It’s not just MRAs that think that way though, is it? It seems that our entire culture is based on sex as a thing that women own/guard, and that men must earn.

Found the Hot Topic model scout

Sorry, the sixth graders still won’t want to date you

Beasts of No Nation and Creed are two of the ones mentioned a lot. I have not seen either yet, so can’t comment. I can say though, that the issue is not just the number of ‘non-white people invovled in films this who deserved to be nominated.’ It’s more ‘there are not enough opportunities and roles given to qualified

Counterpoint: Everyone is awful

If I had the skills to convince 3 people to have sex with me at the same time, I would not be reading Internet articles on what position to use when I have sex with three people.

Privilege is more nuanced that that, though. I know a lot of men from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, and if some rich (or even middle-class) lady tried to tell them they had life on ‘easy mode’ they would be rightfully annoyed. I fear we over simplify the concept of privilege sometimes.

I think that’s only one element of privelege. Male privelege is a thing, but as a man I can’t go through life without interacting with a woman.

Are we getting worse? I often wonder that. It feels like a Tv show or movie headed by a woman or minority is more controversial today than it was in the 80s or 90s.

If she was drunk enough to think going outside in shorts was a good idea, her friends were likely drunk enough to not care.

People like being warm?

People like being warm?

The first!!